Chapter 265: Mineta's Funeral

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Chapter 265

June 30th 20XX

U.A High

8:00 AM

The sky was gray, an ironic cliche that was accompanied with funerals. It was a smaller service, Mineta was buried in the newly made U.A graveyard where the service was being held. it was small and out of the way. In the back of the U.A property the students gathered together. Everyone was dressed in black suits. Izuku stood next to Shoto, Shinso and Momo. They wanted to keep themselves in a group especially with Tenya snooping around it was best if they stay in pairs.

Shoto had healed from his injuries, however he wouldn't be able to use his full power for a while. Izuku couldn't use his Tenshi powers either so they were both weakened. Shinso and Momo did not notice how hurt the two boys were, In fact they hadn't talked to either of the two boys either. In fact this was the first time they had seen them since they left them at Izuku’s apartment. They made plans to meet back up at Izuku’s apartment after the funeral. Something was off and as much as they were worried about their friends they saw Bakugo

Bakugo had gained more muscle mass and he was exuding aura at small amounts, he was training even then.  This made Momo angry, Mineta was a sexual deviant but he was dead now. However, even she could see that Bakugo had grown stronger since the summer camp. Not only was he physically stronger he was more confident, however he had the power to back it up.

Tenya interrupted everyone's thoughts as he gave a speech about U.A and Mineta. Fighting back tears Tenya went on a tangent about honor, memories and moving forward. After about 30 minutes he took a bow. 

Everyone dispersed after that as they wanted to enjoy their rest of the day as tomorrow school would start again. 

*Author's Note*

I decided to release two chapters for the Volume 5 2021 Release date. I don't have an upload schedule yet but their are enough fully completed chapters to last at least 2 weeks if planning goes right!

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