Chapter 329: Shoto's Blessing

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Chapter 329

July 16th 20XX

Izuku's Mindscape

6:30 AM


Shoto was waiting for Izuku at the end of the street, before Izuku talked to Fuyumi they had to talk about Hawks. Shoto was sure that if Hawks still held any amount of power things could go downhill just like before, the thought made him furious but he kept his mind in check at least for now. Izuku turned the corner to see Shoto waiting for him, not that he was surprised that Shoto was waiting for him.

Both Izuku and Shoto looked each other in the eye waiting to see which one would make the move to talk first.

Izuku: Shoto I did it

Shoto: Look Izuku I don't want to play some complicated guessing game with you, what did you do?

Izuku: I got rid of Hawks and well I will show you something amazing

Izuku smirked as he held out his hand and the golden Tenshi armor appeared, the glow and radiant power made Shoto look upon it with awe. Izuku recalled the armor as his hand went back to normal. Tenshi's power had grown stronger Izuku could feel it and it made him proud.

Shoto: How did you do that, I thought the recharge time wouldn't be for around 10 more days

Izuku: I managed to sacrifice Hawk's soul to Tenshi, I still have the marking but I assume now that Tenshi absorbed him he is gone

Shoto: Well then that is excellent, with Hawks gone what are you feeling about my sister. Was it his influence or is there some connection between the two of you

Izuku paused wanting to think before he gave his answer to Shoto, he still had feelings for Fuyumi and even though their was a slight age gap it was legal as he was 16. He knew he wanted to get to know Fuyumi more at the minmum and that she was someone he had feelings for.

Izuku: I still have feelings for her, I mean that respectfully Shoto

Shoto: Look Izuku if you promise to take care of her then... then you have my permission to date her

Izuku: Thank you Shoto

Shoto: Now we have talked about everything I wanted to talk about you can talk to Fuyumi, just don't have a repeat of last time on my couch okay, people sit there

Izuku: No of course I understand what you mean

Shoto sighed he was hesitant on letting Izuku date his sister. Maybe it was because Natsuo left for college in the states or the fact that she was his last relative near him.

Shoto: Good Luck Izuku

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