Chapter 299: Winter Love And Heart's Fire

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*Warning Moderate Fan Service*

*Author's Note*

If you want to skip this chapter I'll provide a rough summary in the next chapter. Seriously this chapter can be skipped so if you don't like fan service you won't miss out on anything. Either way I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 289

July 15th 20XX

Todoroki Residence 

6:30 AM


Izuku took his right hand and wiped the nervous sweat off of his forehead, the green haired wonder boy had spent time thinking long and hard about whether or not he should talk to Shoto about what happened. If there was even a way to approach him about the situation at all. He felt unsure as well as feeling also uneasy, like he was floating down a river but he had found himself outside of the Todoroki compound.

Izuku saw that it was huge maybe even bigger than Momo’s Mansion but without the Mansion aspect. It looked traditional like it was directly tied to Japanese history. He had assumed that Shoto’s place would look like this but it was much bigger and grander than he had imagined. It was like a palace fit for a ruler which knowing Endeavor was probably the theme he was looking for.

Izuku: Some way to kick off birthday

Izuku shook his head, he should be happy he is resolving things with Shoto plus he didn’t want to deal with Himiko and while this was in every way awkward it was better than dealing with Himiko.

Izuku: Well I'm at his door so I have no choice but to ring the door bell

Izuku took a deep breath and gathered all of the courage in his body and moved his left arm to ring the door bell but the door flinged open startling Izuku as he didn’t expect the door to just fly open. He almost fell over barely managing to stay up right.

Fuyumi: Oh Shoto you came back, I was worried about you

Fuyumi Todorkoki the only daughter of Endeavor or Enji Todoroki had answered the door. She was wearing a white tank top and blue and red shorts reminiscent of her late father's hero costume, her body was soaked in sweat as she wiped her forehead. The white tank top was almost skin tight now as her sweat had nearly soaked it. Izuku figured she had been doing some sort of exercise before he arrived.

She looked at Izuku and realized that Shoto wasn't the one at the door. She was confused but then she remembered who this person was.

Fuyumi: Your Izuku right? The one from the sports festival. I am such a big fan of yours, let me guess your here looking for Shoto?

Fuyumi remembered how mad her father got when Izuku beat Shoto, while you would think that is what made her a fan of Izuku that was far from the truth. It was the look on his face, regret and remorse, she had felt a part of herself in Izuku.

She knew Shoto spent alot of time with Izuku, and as far as she was concerned Izuku was a good friend to her brother who was a recluse for lack of a better term or phrase. She admired him for that as she hadn't been able to reach her brother like Izuku had.

Izuku felt comfortable around her, the way she said it made her seem genuine and truthful not like Himiko would would kiss up to him any chance could. Izuku then relized he was staring at Fuyumi and because he didn't want to seem disrespectful he quickly started talking.

Izuku: Yeah I assume he's not home right now, I apologize if I interrupted anything

Fuyumi nodded her head and looked directly at Izuku, she had been worried about Shoto and after what the man had said about Shoto she wanted to know the connection between him and Shoto. Izuku and Shoto were friends and their was a high chance of Izuku knowing the truth.

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