Chapter 311: Joi's Power

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Chapter 311
July 15th 20XX
Yakuza Compound 
8:55 AM


Joi Irinaka had been listening closely to the huge fight above the tunnels and subsequently his head hearing the fight quiet down meant that the Yakuza had won. Still he had a bad feeling. Normally Deidoro would be in the tunnels drunk and stumbling, Joi thought of the possibility that Deidoro may have died. 

He sighed, Deidoro may have been a drunk but he was a trusted comrade and a member of the precipits. If he was truly dead he would be missed. Joi was someone who could hold back his emotions but underneath the mask he shed a single tear. 

Pulling himself together he thought about what would happen to the precipits, with Deidoro gone someone would have to become a precipit but Joi didn't know who Shigaraki would choose. He wondered if Shigaraki would even care.

Joi: Let’s just hope in the end everything works out for the best

A voice came over the intercom system 

Yakuza Scientist: The battle is over, I repeat the battle is over, however another attack is unavoidable so preparations will be made

Joi: Well then it's not over, of course it's not. I have to conserve my strength

Joi pulled back his quirk as he caught his breath. He coughed and stumbled as he tried to regain his balance. Joi wasn't used to using his power for so long and it drained him. This was going to cost him his life if he wasn't careful about this.

The Yakuza would survive but in order to do that he must prepare to put his all into defending the Yakuza. His power will stabilize but in order for it to stabilize he must get stronger and stronger means he must be more durable.

However if he was stronger could he have prevented any casualties that had happened, could he have saved them. Dwelling on these thoughts would motivate him to do better, to be better for the sake of Deidoro.

*Author's Note*

The Eight Precipits Of Death were on of my major regrets when writing volume 4. I wanted to show off their personalities and power in their own individual chapters which I will continue to do as we go further into the Gigantomachia battles. Joi Irinaka's design was the reason I wanted to focus on his story. I wanted to choose someone who had an interesting design and his back story.

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