Chapter 223: Izuku Introductions Part 3

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Chapter 323

July 15th 20XX

Izuku’s Apartment 

5:10 PM

No one in the room had expected to see Eri, this stranger was apparently living in Izuku’s house and she was acquainted with Shoto. Mina didn't think Shoto was the kind of person to want to hang out with kids. He was distant from almost everyone so a mentor role confused her.

Shoto: Uh Izuku why is she here now?

Mina: Yeah I want to know why too

Izuku: Uh… it’s a long story

Momo: Wait Shoto you know her… wait is that Izuku’s kid

Izuku: NO NO NO It’s nothing like that I swear, she is like a younger sister

Shoto: Again Izuku why is she here

Mina: Awww she is soooo adorable, hi my name is Mina

Eri: Hi Mina

Izuku was freaking out at this point. He didn’t even consider introducing Eri until she had settled in. This was bad, he couldn’t just say “Hey so me and Shoto were working for the Yakuza to kill the number one hero and we just ran into this girl”. 

Shinso: How is everyone doing

Everyone besides Izuku looked at Shinso and at the same time answered causing them to fall into his mind control. Shisno gasped controling so many people with strong wils strained his body. 

Shinso: They can’t hear us right now so explain everything

Izuku: Okay uh… so you know how me and Shoto were forced to work for thr Yakuza, well Eri is part of the Yakuza and uh well after I made out with Shoto’s older sister Fuyumi me and Himiko went to the Yakuza Compound where a giant monster attacked and because Eri can heal people I am keeping her safe incase anything happens. 

Shinso: So I assume Himiko is with Shigaraki, and you didn’t tell us

Izuku: In my defense I wasn’t sure how to introduce her

Shinso: Yeah I get that but… I can’t keep this up. You are going to have to figure out how you want to explain Eri on your own.

Shisno relaeased everyone from there mind control as he gasped for air. He hadn’t used  his quirk to that extent for a long time. Luckily no one had noticed he had mind controled them. 

Izuku: Well this is Eri, Eri meet Tokoyami, Kendo, Momo, and Shinso. You can trust them okay

Eri: So your all Izuku’s friends? AWESOME

Izuku: Eri we have to talk about somethings so could you please go back to bed

Eri nodded, she wanted to stay up and talk to everyone but she respected Izuku’s wishes. 

Eri: Okay bye everyone.

Eri walked back to her new bed as everyone looked at Izuku. They expected a full explanation from Izuku. Of course Izuku was dreading this but he knew this was important. Besides this would build trust between everyone even if leaving out the leauge and the Yakuza was lieing to their faces he had no other choice but to keep up this lie, it was the only way.

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