Chapter 316: The Breakup

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Chapter 316

July 15th 20XX

Ruined Yakuza Compound

9:10 AM


Johnny the dog Nomu jumped out of a portal and looked at the group before sucking them into the portal instantly transporting them to the lab. Izuku looked around and saw Shigaraki leaning against a pole and what he assumed was Doctor Garaki.

He wasn't sure what he thought about him, the doctor had some strange attachment to his Nomu. The Nomu's Izuku knew were mindless creatures bent on destruction. The ability to make Nomu's, that power rested in this doctor.

Doctor Garaki: Ah Tomura's friends, we finally meet in person

Dabi: Huh so you are the genius that made the Nomu

Doctor Garaki: Well I can't take all of the credit for being able to create the Nomu. I wouldn't be here in this room without the guidance and wisdom of All For One

Dabi: Hmmmm

Dabi knew that this was all part of some game, while Dabi hated being toyed around with he craved to see how this mess would turn out.

Izuku felt it deep inside of him. The spirits of past One For All users called to him. They wanted this doctor Garaki gone before he inacts any of All For One's contingency plans.

Doctor Garaki: Well I'll just simplify what I said to Tomura here. What you fought was a creature known as Gigantomachia. You are going to help Shigaraki here in defeating Gigantomachia. Now today he was just testing you.

Spinner: Well he killed someone, how the hell is that a test

Doctor Garaki: It's part of the test

Spinner: Seriously Shigaraki are you going to let him fuck with us like that.

Shigaraki: No you are right, I'll make Gigantomachia submit without losing anyone's life.

Doctor Garaki: Well then I don't care how you get it done, in fact you only have a couple rules most importantly Izuku can't participate

Izuku: What how can you say that

Doctor Garaki: Because that is what I decided, you need my help and you will get my help when you make Gigantomachia submit. Without Izuku, if any of you break my rules then the deal is off

Izuku wanted to punch his fist right through Doctor Garaki's face. However he knew that Doctor Garaki was telling the truth. They needed his help and disobedience would just lead to his downfall.

Izuku: Fine I agree

Shigaraki: Thank you Izuku, but I need your help with something else. I need you to take care of Eri for me

Izuku: Well me and Himiko could...

Himiko looked at Izuku as a tear fell from her eyes. She looked dead inside, completely broken and dismantled as she face lost her normal enthusiasm.

Himiko: No Izu

Izuku: What do you mean no... Himiko

Himiko: We need to take a break indefinitely okay... its for the best

Izuku: Himiko... I...

Himiko: I know you still care about me but for now... for now it is over

Izuku: But...

Dabi: Izuku don't push it on her just accept her decision and move on but that is my recommendation.

Izuku: Look can I go

Doctor Garaki: Oh of course, I can't really let you know about my plans after all. Besides I know what you have behind your God form. You may trust Shigaraki but you would never trust me

Izuku: Perspective

Doctor Garaki: Oh Izuku perspective indeed, Johnny take him away.

Johnny barked and ran towards Izuku creating a portal which sent him away leaving everyone else with Doctor Garaki.

Izuku didn’t know what to say, he didn't think he would ever know what he should have said. What is done is done and he had to leave Himkio behind not only for his sake but for her's as well. It was over and all he could do is take Eri and go home.

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