Chapter 319: A Bunch Of Edgy Teens

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Chapter 319

July 15th 20XX

U.A School Grounds

3:00 PM


Momo had already sent a text to Izuku, her conscious was weighing down on her like an anvil. She had to tell Izuku about Kendo, Mina and Tokoyami, besides Shoto wanted to talk to Izuku anyway so it would all work out in the end. After learning about Izuku and Shoto’s sister she knew tensions would be high but that didn’t mean she couldn’t try to explain things.

Mina: Hey Momo

Mina approached Momo with Tokoyami and Shinso in tow. Shinso nodded to Momo signaling a silent hello to Momo without directly saying it aloud.

Momo: Hey, look today I figured we could talk to Izuku

Shinso: Hold up from what you told me about Izuku is today really the best day too, I mean after this morning Izuku is definitely unbalanced and unstable

Momo: Look we need to talk about everything, it will be worse if we hide it from him

Mina: I agree we have to come clean at some point

Kendo ran towards them hugging Momo which almost knocked both girls to the ground. 

Kendo: Hey Momo, hey everyone

Kendo was her normal energetic self which cheered up Momo. Kendo was someone she could rely on, someone she could trust and she valued that. Kendo’s loyalty was also unquestionable. Her smile was motivating not only to her but the entire group in total. Maybe she could even cheer up Shoto.

Momo: Kendo we are going to tell Izuku about everything

Kendo: Are you sure about this, I mean is today the best day for this

Shinso: That was exactly what I was going to say

Mina: Come on we need to be honest if we are going to work as a team

Shoto: I say we do it

Shoto had come from nowhere sneaking up on everyone. He was still mad at Izuku about what happened to his sister so confronting him about these new members and whatever else would happen. If they kept on sheltering Izuku it would only make things worse. They needed Izuku to trust them and Shoto knew that as much as he was angry at Izuku at the end of the day he was still his friend. Though thick or thin, through ice or flames Izuku was someone he wanted by his side.

Tokoyami: Well then I completely agree with Shoto, we do it now. Hiding the truth will only make things worse. On top of that Izuku should know who he is working with.

Momo: Then it’s settled, we are meeting at his place

Kendo: Oh yeah we get to see Izuku’s apartment 

Mina: You think it'll be green like his hair?

Tokoyami: I have to admit I am curious what Izuku’s apartment looks like. A room and a house is a reflection of a person’s personality, plus I have never entered his apartment before

Shoto: Unless it is decorated by someone else

Shoto was referring to his house which was built in Endeavor’s image. It was a reminder of his late father and a reminder of how he killed him. Maybe that is why he felt more comfortable at Momo’s mansion it was a getaway from the reminders of his past. Still with Natsuo gone Fuyumi was left all alone and even if they argued he didn’t want to leave her alone. As much as he wanted to forget about his family he still cared for Fuyumi.

Kendo: Aww come on guys let’s get excited

Mina: Yeah Kendo’s got the right idea

Shoto: Ugh I miss when we were a bunch of edgy teens

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