Chapter 274: Enter Mirio

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Chapter 274

July 1st 20XX

U.A High 

7:30 AM

Aizawa: I'll leave you all in the capable hands of Sir Nighteye.

Nighteye observed each of the students looking at them like a judge at a science fair, in particular he looked at the ones who had stood next to Izuku. It was something to look into later as he had work to do. These students were under his care and it was fate that he was here.

He was especially interested in Bakugo. When he had did his research on Bakugo he noticed that Bakugo was strong in a multitude of areas. He was fast, strong and a tactician. Out of everyone in Class 1-A besides Izuku he was the most interesting.

Nighteye wasn't going to just train Bakugo, he was brought in to train the entire class not a single student. Besides maybe his training will unlock something in one of the other students.

Nighteye: Today I am going to gage your strength, as you know in U.A there is a group known as the big three. A group of the strongest three year students and today some of you will face one of them, my protege Mirio.

On cue Mirio appeared a blonde boy with a blank expression that held a trusting smile. His stood tall with his back straight and refined, but the most surprising piece of information Mirio somehow managed to faze through the wall. The class looked at Mirio with awe and suspicion.

Mirio's quirk was something they had never seen before and they knew that it would be a major challenge to fight him. They had never fought someone who seemed to defy physics before.

Nighteye: Today three of you will go up against Mirio, this will continue for the next two weeks. If you decide to quit you will be expelled, I do not tolerate failure even among first year students 

Mirio: I can't wait to see all of your abilities

Tenya wanted to stand up for his class. When planning Mineta's funeral he had wanted to take charge to grasp the power to protect his class. He didn't know if he could beat Mirio but he had to try.

At the same time after the situation with Kendo he was ready for a fight. He wasn't the sort of guy to take out his anger by fighting someone. Still he had enough reasons to fight and his determination overrode his normal logical brain, this was his time so shine.

Tenya: I'll go first 

Ochaco: Yeah you go Tenya

Tenya: I won't let you down as Class Rep I must set an example that all or you must follow

Nighteye nodded at Tenya symbolizing his approval. With that Tenya jumped on to the battlefield, his body much stronger than before made small cracks in the very ground. 

Mirio just fazed down, Tenya wasn't surprised with Mirio's performance as it was nothing new to him. Mirio was going to take this time to show the class what a year 3 could do.

Tenya looked at Mirio and tried to see if maybe he was just using illusions to trick everyone. Tenya however dismissed this theory because Nighteye didn't seem like the kind of person to use cheap tricks. Tenya had no choice but to fight and he was more than willing to.

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