Chapter 278: Mirio Vs Bakugo

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Chapter 278

July 1st 20XX

U.A High

7:50 AM

Bakugo kept his full attention on Momo's fight with Mirio. These time and space abilities were powerful and while he was vastly superior to Momo and the quirk of creation.

Bakugo: Hah she was weak

His strong words caught everyone off guard, they had all seen Mirio's powers and Bakugo was acting like Mirio was but a mere bug. This was either arrogance or strength and that angered some of Class 1-A

Tokoyami: Bakugo you shouldn't say that

Mina: Yeah Bakugo

Bakugo: Hah what is your problem? Who are you to tell me what to do. Tokoyami I beat you and your Dark Shadow and Mina don't make me laugh

Mina: Bakugo that doesn't matter, why are you measuring us by strength

Bakugo: Why do I, your joking right. Strength is the only thing that matters. Mina I have worked to get this strong and your useless babble is pointless.

Kirashima: Bakugo is right compared to me, Bakugo, Ochaco, and Tenya your weak. Momo got destroyed by Mirio and Tenya did much better.

Mina: So that gives you the right to belittle your classmates, do we mean nothing to you

Bakugo: You just figured that out idiot!

Tokoyami: Well Bakugo I have grown stronger and learned some new tricks, you shouldn't underestimate me.

Ochaco: My Baku could defeat all of you combined

Mina: Can it Ochaco

Ochaco: What did you just say to me

Bakugo was shocked that Mina would try and stand up against his Ochaco. However he knew that he shouldn't focus on Mina yet

Mina and Tokoyami stared at Bakugo, Kirashima, and Ochaco. It was almost like a mini Civil War as they wanted to fight, but now wasn't the time and they silently told that to each other.

Bakugo put his hand in the air and made an explosion. This explosion was different then his others as it felt like a wave of power. Everyone stopped arguing as they needed to back up.

Bakugo: That was a technique I abandoned. The power you just witnessed is nothing in comparison to my full power. A small burst like an emp, without the emp effects of course. Now I'm going to fight and you all are going to sit and watch me.

Mina knew that she couldn't fight Bakugo but still she wanted to punch him right in the chest. Bakugo looked at her know she couldn't do anything and smirked at her.

Bakugo using his new form jumped down but unlike Tenya when he landed it create a small crater and a mild gust of wind

Mirio: Your Bakugo right?

Bakugo: What'd they say about me to make you remember me? Don't tell me they had a strategy to beat me, come on what did they say

Mirio: That you would attack me first, if course much much more than that. Still the most important thing is that no matter what you will attack me first.

Bakugo points to his chest with his thumb, his Ascendesion Aura leaking out his eyes turning a dark purple. Markings appeared on his face. His teeth grew longer and sharper and his hair had gotten darker. His mucsles expanded and he grew 5 inches taller, his eyes opened taking in everything around him. He started right into Mirio

Bakugo: Well then, wouldn't want to keep you waiting

Bakugo flies into Mirio, who even caught off guard barely glitching out of the way in time. Mirio is just stunned, Bakugo's speed and strength were astounding. Bakugo turned like a wild beast he looked at Mirio. The aura getting thicker now as Bakugo was getting worked up.

Asscenetion is strong but the backbone of the power came in primal rage. Zen Mode took advantage of the mind while Asscenetion was more chaotic and better fit Bakugo's nature.

Bakugo: This is asscenetion, a power that is my own, a power over Zen Mode itself prepare your self Mirio

Tenya: Such power, I can feel it. I can semi use Zen Mode and I know that Bakugo is on a whole new level. This is almost like a Zen Mode 3 but it's power is accelerating with his body.

Kirashima: Wait Bakugo got that strong in such a short amount of time, I know the dude has power and potential far beyond my own but to have so much power, this is insane.

Tenya: Still Mirio is a strong opponent, I wouldn't risk underestimating him

Bakugo: Let's dance blondey boy

Bakugo threw a barrage of Zen Mode charged punches that rocked the gymnasium, Mirio was on the offensive, he had no moves to conquer this besides his special move. Mirio didn't think he would have to use it on a first year but he knew what had to be done.


Mirio used his quirk to bounce around the gym, his speed was increasing faster and faster as Bakugo was spinning in circles. Mirio came in for a punch but Bakugo dodged and reversed it by grabbing Mirio's foot and slamming his body to the ground. Mirio didn't even have time to use his quirk. Bakugo smiled but Mirio wasn't done yet.

Mirio had seen Bakugo's speed and it was nothing to look down upon. Mirio jumped to the side before sitting down looking right into Bakugo's eyes.

Mirio: Well you defeated my special move but can you defeat this

Mirio stood up and began to walk towards Bakugo. Bakugo knew that something was off so he decided to increase his power, this time he used his asscnesion aura to throw his sweat in the air. Mirio didn't notice this as he kept walking planning to faze threw him and punch his back. But then Bakugo leap towards him. Like an animal on the hunt he pounched. Mirio stepped back stoping the use of his quirk, but that was his undoing because the Bakugo's sweat was in the air.


All of the air around the gym suddenly burst into a series of small but strong blasts that were faster than any previous explosion, the gym filled with smoke and Mirio was on the ground, his ears were ringing and he couldn't move

Bakugo: Explosive Haze allows me to turn air into explosions, your quirk may make you intangable to attacks but when you don't use it you are one of the weakest opponents I've fought

Explosive Haze was a risky and dangerous technique and is also hard to use in populated areas, however using it indoors he had better control. Mirio stood no chance

Tenya: Such power and tremendous skill, he might be the strongest member of Class 1-A

Kirashima: No the strongest member of the entity or UA

Mirio: I admit I lost but how did you know what I was planning on doing

Bakugo: *dropping out of his new ascendesion form and returning to his base state* Let's see if I can explain it. When we watched you fight him we saw that you were able to phase through all our attacks. However that wasn't a big feat, that you saw all of his attacks I mean. Mr Rep over there wasn't fast enough to get past your quirk and he is the second fastest after me. These things however don't grant me the win, no no no, it was how you handled construction girl. You took her out first knowing you couldn't defend against an attack from multiple sides. Your actions were your own undoing, no it was the moment you were told about our abilities you lost to me Mirio

Nighteye: *slow claps* Well well well you beat Mirio, I am impressed Bakugo Katsuki

Bakugo looked at Nighteye like a lioness who is hunting for her family looks at a meerkat, Bakugo needed to fight Nighteye. Nighteye looked right at Bakugo he knew that the boy was hungry for a fight, but he needed to get hungerier if he wanted to get to the level that can change fate.

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