Chapter 287: Bored Shigaraki

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Chapter 287

July 8th 20XX

Yakuza Throne Room

5:30 PM

Shigaraki was bored, nothing had happened after Izuku went back to school. He was lucky to have Eri, as long as he kept teaching her about video games and the outside world she didn't whine. Still other than that he was bored with life.

Dabi walked out of one of Kurogiri's portals, he had a look on his face that Shigaraki knew would cure his boredom. Even Eri looked up from her game.

Dabi: Shigaraki I need a team to lead an attack on I-Island

Kurogiri: That wouldn't be a good idea

Dabi: Why not 

Shigaraki: Yeah why not

Kurogiri: Giran is missing, without him we can't launch an attack, especially if World Government fighters are their

Dabi: Wait it's fortified

Kurogiri: After Wolfram's attack security increased

Shigaraki: Dammit

Dabi: What about the Yakuza

Kurogiri: Well that's another thing, l-Island is moving to Hawaii, if we were to fight I-Island it would be war. We would need a massive army which we don't have.

Dabi: Dammit what about reconnesence, can you at least do that

Shigaraki: Wait why do you even want to attack I-Island?

Dabi: Shoto didn’t kill Endeavor, or they are doing something to his body 

Spinner: What do you have against Endeavor anyway?

Dabi: It's personal 

Dabi stared at Kurogiri with determination, they both knew that Dabi was 100 percent serious and he wouldn't back down without a good reason

Kurogiri: I can have Yakuza spies looking from afar but again even breaking into I-Island would be the equivalent to breaking into the Tartarus Prison

Dabi thought about it, he didn't even know of Endeavor was alive and Kurogiri was right, they had to either bide their time or wait to see what happens with Endeavor.

Dabi: Fine as long as we can keep an eye on them

Shigaraki: Hmmm this is going to cure my boredom for sure

Shigaraki found this to be like a game, a game of chance but also a game of winning. He knew that he could lose but the chances were so low it would nearly be impossible. 

Eri: Raki why don't you have Izuku go, he could have a field trip

Shigaraki looked at Eri, he didn't feel like arguing with her or contacting Izuku. It wasn't that Izuku was someone he despised it was just that Shigaraki wanted to things himself.

Shigaraki: First off stop calling me Raki and second while that's a good idea he would need to build connections with…

Kurogiri: Well how about we put this on hold untill Izuku comes back no sense in worrying about it. 

Dabi: I'm going to train, hopefully you can get off your asses and actually get your shit together and do something

Kurogiri: That's an excellent idea

Dabi knew that Kurogiri was keeping him busy, he follows Shigaraki but he also keeps him out of trouble and to him Dabi was a source of trouble.

Dabi walked out and headed for the training chambers as he knew he needed to get stronger.

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