Chapter 283: Tokoyami's Questions

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Chapter 283

July 1st 20XX

Momo’s Mansion 

5:00 PM

Momo had offered to have a sleepover, the entire group agreed. They got permission easily because of how Momo was not only a protégé who got in via recommendation but also a role model who got high grades and was a candidate for class representative and was more calm and level headed than the current class representative.

Shinso and Tokoyami went off on there own so the girls could have bonding time. Tokoyami wasn't one to really socialize in a big group, ironically you could say he likes to fly solo.

Tokoyami: So Shinso why did you join Izuku

Shinso thought about it, Izuku was someone who looked at him as a person and never villanized him, the same with Momo but that was different, he loved Momo and his feeling for her were much different from Izuku. Izuku was a friend, a person he could both trust and rely on.

Shinso: Well I wouldn’t say join, he's my friend and I support him. While Izuku can be a bit of a wild card he is someone who we can rely on.

Tokoyami nodded pleased with the answer he received from Izuku. However he still had more questions for him, concerning Izuku of course.

Tokoyami: Do you have any idea on what Izuku’s training is receiving

Shinso put a finger to his chin before speaking

Shinso: Izuku is a special case, if it's specialized training than he probably won't say untill we meet again. However I sent Himiko the information about Nighteye

Tokoyami: Wait who is Himiko

Shinso sighed he didn't want to go into Himiko or anything about her backstory but he had to say something so he decided to keep it short and sweet.

Shinso: That’s a long story, but to put it simply it's Izuku’s girlfriend 

Tokoyami: I am surprised that Izuku has a girlfriend, not like it's not possible I guess it's all the time the class spends away from each other sort of distances us. Still there is room for everyone to grow closer

Shinso: I have to agree with you on that

Tokoyami: Between you and me will Izuku mind that we are joining, I mean you seemed worried about what Izuku might do

Shinso: *sighs* I don't think so, it depends on what happens. His situation is complicated, like all things surrounding Izuku he wasn't sure what he could do.

Tokoyami: I understand 

Shinso: So uh you want to watch some television, I'm not sure what people like doing that much but you know common ground

Tokoyami: Television sounds great

The two continued to walk though the large halls to the second center room where the television was located. The lights turned on and they both sat down turning on the channel to the news.

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