Chapter 325: Loud Heart Attack

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Chapter 325

July 15th 20XX

Aizawa’s Apartment 

2:00 AM


Aizawa was sleeping when he got a call, the noise waking him up right away. He wondered who could be calling him this late a night. Aizawa picked up his phone and answered it hoping that whoever was calling him had a good reason. He was tired and he figured he’d sleep in on the account of there not being school tomorrow. Stil it could be an emergency of some sort so he couldn’t risk it.

Nezu: Aizawa I have bad news…

Aizawa: So you called me this late at night 

Nezu: Well technically it is early in the morning

Aizawa: Cut the semantics you get what I mean, why the hell are you calling me so “Early in the morning” what news could be so bad that you would have to call me.

Nezu: I just found out that… well I got a call from an emergency response team

Aizawa: Why did something happen to one of the students

Nezu: No… nothing happened into the students

Aizawa: Okay so if it isn’t a student then who is it

Nezu: I know you two were close but… he died

Aizawa almost dropped the phone, Oboro’s death flashed before his eyes as he remembered everything. The death, the funeral, all the times he had to visit Oboro’s grave and his decent into becoming the hero who fights in the shadows. Eraserhead was born from Oboro’s death and now another one of the people close to him was dead

Nezu: I know you must be upset but we need to come up with a cover story for

Aizawa: Are you serious, this isn’t Endeavor, society won’t crumble if we mourn him. What we have to pretend he is alive too. What the hell is wrong with you

Nezu: It is for the greater good

Aizawa: No no it’s not if anything it is for your greater good, no one elses

Nezu: That isn’t the point

Aizawa: It is exactly the point and you know it

Nezu: Does it matter, why fight what the system wants

Aizawa: Because he is my friend

Nezu: Oh really you value his friendship over his legacy as a hero

Aizawa: LEGACY, his legacy isn’t another one of your conspiracies, you may have agreed to send Endeavor away to get “Fixed” by a process no one even knows. You don’t trust David Sheild that is as clear as day so why the hell are you pretending everything is alright

Nezu: I am not… there is no other way

Aizawa hung up the phone, he was tired of Nezu's bullshit, the lies and all the technicalities, his friend was dead and that is all there was to it.

 Of course time is relative, a creation humans made in a vain attempt to gain some control over the night. Was that it, was humanity still the same as when they crawled out of their caves. Humans still grasp at the stars only now we are getting closer to it. The same can be said for death, medicine heals wounds yet they can’t stop death. Doctors and researchers have found out the secrets of the heart yet being a second to late can’t stop a heart attack. Humans can’t control time even if they invented it.

Dreams of granduer, foolish ideas that the world can be controlled by one person. That the world can be ruled by a single fist, It was absurd and only someone drowning in vanity could believe it. 

Aizawa stopped the poetry and slammed his fist against the wall, he needed to walk, to run being a teacher was something that he knew he couldn't do for long. As long as Nezu was in charge Aizawa wouldn't let it go soon his time at UA would come to an end.

*Author's Note*

Figured I would throw in a little advice, the poetry piece was something I wrote randomly and I put it in the chapter. Inspiration comes from every where so always write down everything that pops into your head.

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