Chapter 315: Garaki's Deal

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Chapter 315
July 15th 20XX
Unknown All For One Base 
9:05 AM


Shigaraki stood up and observed his surroundings. The room was dark, almost like a tunnel that lead up to a single chair. On that chair sat the one person who was closer to All For One than both Kurogiri and Shigaraki. 

Doctor Garaki: Ah so Tomura it's been a long time, it's good to see your... face in person

The doctor had his hands clasped together with a smile on his face. Shigaraki hated it but he needed to know where he was in order to at least get some leverage in the situation

Shigaraki: Where are we, and why thr hell am I here anyway

Doctor Garaki: We are in my… personal facility

The doctor wasn't lieing, it was his personal laboratory not that All For One was in prison. Of course it was no where as secure as Tatarus Prison and that is why Shigaraki can not know just incase he decided to spill the beans.

Shigaraki: Stop playing games old man I want to know where exactly we are.

Shigaraki was defiant but he wasn't one to back down. The doctor smiled, All For One choose well when it came to Shigaraki. He has a high potential.

Doctor Garaki: Well Tomura you don't have to be so rude you do know I fully support you too. Well I will if you can prove yourself. 

Shigaraki: So you did send Gigantomachia didn't you

Shigaraki knew he couldn't kill him even if he said yes. He knew that he had Nomu's that followed his orders above Shigaraki's orders.

Doctor Garaki: Oh no he woke up on his own I had absolutely nothing to do with his awaking and quite frankly I'm hurt you would accuse me of such a thing even after all I did for you.

Shigaraki: What do you mean

Doctor Garaki: I have gathered information on several heroes as well as future heroes such as Ingenium's younger brother, I have also found out the secrets of Zen Mode however Nomu's cannot use it.

Shigaraki: And why didn't you tell me

Doctor Garaki: Two reasons, one because I wasn't sure if I could trust you and two… well because I was waiting untill Gigantomachia showed up 

Shigaraki: Your help all this time would have been nice

Doctor Garaki: It couldn't be helped

Shigaraki: Is that so

Doctor Garaki: Well Tomura you see I have a challenge for you

Shigaraki: What do you mean challenge 

Doctor Garaki: You are going to fight Gigantomachia and make him submit, you can use whatever and whoever you want… besides Izuku of course 

Shigaraki: Why not Izuku 

The doctor smiled while stretching his arms. Ever since he had first heard about Izuku Midoriya he had wanted to say these words

Doctor Garaki: Why bring a God to a knife fight, it is no challenge 

Shigaraki: Fine I agree to your terms

Doctor Garaki: That a boy Tomura now let's see what your followers think about your decision. Oh wait I have one last thing.

Shigaraki: What is it then

Doctor Garaki: It seems as if I-Island is currently getting close to figuring out how to do a certain experiment that only I should know about.

Shigaraki remembered what Kurogiri said when Dabi asked to go to I-Island. The two had to be connected but what experiment could he be talking about.

Doctor Garaki: I'm going to need you to deal with that when you have the time, it's not urgent just something to keep in mind

Shigaraki: Well one thing at a time

Doctor Garaki: Oh of course you have Gigantomachia to deal with. Now Johnny go fetch the others

The small dog like Nomu ran behind Shigaraki opening a portal so he could fetch Shigaraki's friends.

Shigaraki: So what you have Nomu's as pets now?

Doctor Garaki: Nomu's are needed to save the world, but they make good companions

As far as Shigaraki was concerned Doctor Garaki was insane, yet he knew that saving the world had something to do with the Nomu project as well as All For One's plans. It was intertwined in this odd conspiracy that Shigaraki would soon piece together for better or worse.

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