Chapter 310: The League Vs Gigantomachia Part 2

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Chapter 310
July 15th 20XX
Yakuza Compound
8:40 AM


Izuku and Himiko had heard the commotion of the Gigantomachia fight from outside the Yakuza Compound. They both knew something was definitely wrong so they ran towards the compound with their quirks. Izuku however was still dizzy and as he closed his eyes he saw vines.

He brushed it off, the mindscape was dangerous and not to be trusted. Still after Hawks he was much more careful about the warnings. This brought Izuku back to his time in the One Fkr All Mindscape and about what the One For All user had said

Maybe he was on the verge of gaining another quirk he could use, what quirk could it be, a close distance or a long distance? Izuku was trying to strategize but how could he without knowing about this new quirk and he didn't know what the new enemy was.

He was at a serious disadvantage but he had already let down Himiko, he couldn't fail his friends now, especially Eri who was like a little sister to him.

Finally Izuku and Himiko had arrived just in time to see the monster swat Shigarkai through the doors to the throne room, but for some reason Izuku felt something for a moment before he closed his eyes. Seven Numbers glowed in front of him before he relized that Shigaraki wasn't swatted like a rabbit against a freight train into the Yakuza throne room he was with Kurogiri.

Izuku knew he needed to help, he planned to use a sneak attack in order to get the upper hand. Izuku blitzed behind Gigantomachia with 45.5% One For All. It hurt his bones and muscles but he managed to get behind the giant in time.

He caught his breath as he began to come up with ways he could defeat someone or something that was that huge. He went as far to question if Gigantomachia could even be defeated by anything that Izuku has.

Izuku: If only I could just restrain him from attacking, I would win

Without warning black whip like things came out of his hands, Izuku knew this must be the quirk that the one for all holder was talking about, he focused his thoughts on restraining the beast as they shot out controlled with purpose.

These black whips wrapped around Gigantomachia's hulking body holding him back and keeping him in place. Samebito noticed Izuku was the one in control of black whip and jumped down next to Izuku in amazement.

Samebito: So long time no see Izuku you got a new ability? And here I thought you were going to get rusty

Izuku was getting tired, the black whip was draining his body which was much weaker because he pushed the limits of one for all too far. He silently cursed himself for acting irrationally but he did what he had to do

Izuku: Well I seems like I got here just in time, what information do you have on him, I don't think I can hold this thing for long.

Samebito: He killed a precipt and knocked out spinner, Shigaraki and I put up a fight but he keeps getting stronger the more we fight him. According to Kurogiri he is called Gigantomachia

Izuku: Damm this is bad, I assume Shigaraki couldn't even disintegrate him

Samebito: Apparently Kurogiri has a plan for that but no he couldn't this thing, Gigantomachia's regen is stronger than the USJ Nomu

Izuku: So it is a Nomu

Samebito: I assume, Kurogiri knew about it so there is probably more that he hadn't been told yet

Izuku's blackwhip was slipping and he knew that he needed to come up with a strategy to get out of this mess. Izuku was out of options at this point, even if Kurogiri had a plan he didn't have much time to waste.

Izuku: I won't be able to hold on much longer, we have about a minute if I'm lucky to come up with a plan to beat this thing

Himiko: Maybe we can lead him away?

Izuku almost jumped in surprise, Himiko in a very promiscuous pose had snuck up behind him. He smiled because he might not feel what he once felt for Himiko but he cared about her, she was loyal to him if nothing else.

Samebito: We have nothing at our disposal that can defeat him

Izuku: We can't give up yet, everyone has a weakness and we just need to think and find his


Shigaraki yelled from above Gigantomachia's head right before Blackwhip snapped and Gigantomachia was free. Shigaraki took both of his hands and with all of his power slammed them into Gigantomachia's eyes causing the giant to scream and howl in pain.


With those words Gigantomachia turned around. The Yakuza mobilized but Shigaraki held is hand up

Shigaraki: Let him go, we need to prepare for tomorrow and...

Shigaraki noticed a radio in the center of all the destruction. Someone had put it there, or maybe something.

Shigaraki: And it's not over yet

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