Chapter 290: The Blind Man's Attack

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Chapter 290

July 14th 20XX

The Slums

9:00 AM

Izuku wanted to point out that the car ride was much longer than Aizawa had promised it would be. The two had finally reached a location known to most as the slum district. It was abandoned and forgotten both by heroes and the government. It was the final place for the poor, the forsaken and the tormented. Things grew here, people who turn into villains or those who turn into monsters. Aizawa had been to this place before, back when he used to be a shadow hero working in the streets solving crimes. He knew that Izuku needed to see this and experience it for himself. 

Aizawa pulled the car to the side and looked at Izuku, His face was serious and it made Izuku shiver. Izuku knew he had to compose himself and hear out everything Aizawa had to say to him.

Aizawa: Izuku today you are going to save as many people here as you can, not as a hero but as a person. You have twelve hours to do whatever in necessarily. As a teacher and a licenced hero I have to warn you, what you will see will either break you or make you more aware. You aren’t the same problem child that came into my class, you have grown and have gone through so much.all I can say now is good luck.

Izuku: Thank you

Izuku wasn’t sure what to say, saying thank you was a natural response. He said sorry when he didn’t know what to say, then again what can he say to that. His goal is this, to destory the hero society and make a better one in the most simplest terms. It was much more complicated than that but still this was living proof society is broken. 

Aizawa unlocked the car doors before speaking once more. His voice grew deeper this time and yet it was less serious.

Aizawa: I will be back here at 9 tonight, I won’t be here to supervise or help you so be cautious.

Izuku nodded in response, he had about 12 hours and that was good enough for him and stepped out of the car. Aizawa closed the door and drove off leaving Izuku to ponder his next move. But just then he steps to the side as someone had lunged at him with a knife. He had scars on his face and his clothes were tatted, his eyes were white. Izuku relized that the man was blind.

Izuku was completly confused, he definitely hadn't expected his attacker to be blind or for there to even be an attacker right after he left Aizawa's car. Could it be the sound of the car, it had to be. Izuku’s mind went though this situation knowing that if he inflicted heavy damage onto him their would be repercussions to his task. Thus Izuku had to be careful.

Blind Man: You shouldn’t have come here, but you know what I am grateful you did so now I can rip your face apart, steal your clothes and pawn your valubles!
He lunged at Izuku again this time electricity buzzed across his body. The knife was bigger than Izuku first relized but he managed to use 20% of One For All in his hand and grab the knife. The blade almosr cut his hand but it couldn't go though Izuku’s skin which shocked the blind man.

The younger male was relieved that he had used One For All so quickly. If not he would have certainly gotten a knife through his hand. His heart rate increased as he looked at the blind man who was now reviewing the encounter so far trying to counter One For All and of course Izuku himself.

Blind Man: Ah I see what is going on, your some bigshot huh, you think that just because you have a quirk that means you can beat me! Let's see you try it then.

The blind man let go of the knife with almost acrobatic movements leaping back and pulling two metal knuckles that reflected the light of the sun from his pockets. Then with a sharp humming sound the man’s body sparked with electricity as he blitzed Izuku with a loud roar, Izuku doded the atack easily and was know in a 9% full cowling. The blind man seemed to sense that Izuku had activated his quirk.

Blind Man: So you know how to use your quirk huh, well that won't be enough to stop me

The blind man ran towards Izuku again this time faster and much more persice as if he had gotten used to Izuku’s fighting style. The blind man was punching even faster now trying with all of his might to land at least one hit on Izuku with his metal knuckles. Izuku of course kept dodging while he remembered the training he went through with Aizawa. He grabbed the man and pinned him to the ground.

A young child ran towards Izuku with tears down his face. He stopped right before Izuku and got into a fighting stance, Izuku didn’t want to fight a child but he couldn't let the blind man attack him yet again.

Ken: My name is Ken and you won't kill my dad

Izuku held up his hand in submission knowing he that this was the right thing to do.

Izuku: Listen Ken I'm not here to hurt him I was just defending myself I promise

To prove what he was saying was the truth he let the man go. The blind man got back to his feet and brushed off his shoulders. 

Blind Man: Why are you here?

Izuku thought of a good response but his reply was still vague and seemingly empty

Izuku: I want to help this place

They both looked at Izuku and began to laugh hysterically. The idea of an outsider wanting to help was so absurd, they knew the society outside the slums would rather drown them then help them. That was just how the society treated people as sick and twisted as that fact was it was without a doubt true.

Ken: Outsiders don't help us, you and your society ignore people like us, the idea of you helping us is either a lie or a joke which in the end are the same exact thing.

Izuku: I am here for a reason, I want to learn how I can save this place, my goal is to tear down this broken society and create a new one where your people and others who are crushed by this Hero Society can be free. The messages of Tenshi

Blind Man: Bold words, if you really want to help then stop the Atlas shipments.

He had no faith in Izuku, he figured he would die going up against Atlas but that didn't matter to him. If Izuku was serious he would go along with it no matter what. He had caught him and now Izuku would have no other choice but to take the bait laid out for him.

Izuku: If I stop this Atlas then would you consider spreading the message of Tenshi.

He smiled, either way he would win and spreading the message would he a small price to pay for Atlas being removed from their lives.

Blind Man: It’s a deal, now come along Ken we don't want to draw attention. 

Izuku wanted to ask more but he knew he would make a bigger impact if he did this on his own. He didn't know what Atlas was but he knew that these shipments couldn't be good. In fact he knew that these shipments were the cause of the blind man's fast reaction to Izuku’s arrival.

Jumping high into the air and on to the roof top he knew there could only be one place where shipments could arrive. The docks were the one place where shipments could come in that heroes and law enforcement would completely ignore. This was Izuku’s calling.

*Author's Note*

I am thinking about posting more chapters in a shorter amount of time so I wanted to hear from my readers, would you prefer more posts or keep it spaced out. I have recently got more free time to write and review my writing so I plan to keep up this story for a long time. Thank you all for reading this far into the story and I hope you continue to continue this series as it evolves.

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