Chapter 304: Rebuilding Truth Part 5

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Chapter 304

July 15th 20XX

Nighteye Hero Agency

8:00 AM

Nighteye hadn’t been at his office in awhile, Nezu told him to take a break but Nighteye wasn’t one to take breaks. He missed the office, and it had become his home away from home. He looked towards his laptop, sure he could take the day off but he had a gut feeling that he should look at his laptop. He walked over to the desk and sat down just when there was a knock at the door. 

Nighteye: Come in

Nighteye assumed that his assistant would be at the door but when said door opened it revealed not his assistant but the old hero Gran Torino, Nighteye didn’t expect him to show up but hid his surprise like he did most of his emotions. A blank face will win the race.

Nighteye: Why are you here? Have you come to lecture me about All Might? Or maybe how I was to harsh on you.

Gran Torino shook his head

Gran Torino: I need you help, what exactly is happening in I-Island

Nighteye looked at the older hero, it was a odd question that iornicly someone with a quirk called foresight hadn’t expected. He was figured he would be asked this question at some point but he thought that it would be Aizawa asking that question, Gran Torino had to have some motive behind asking him.

Nighteye: Well you are asking what I think you are asking I assume you want to know more about why I-Island is currently docked in Hawaii after the deal we all agreed upon

Gran Torino: I didn’t agree with the idea

Nighteye: But you had to didn’t you, because if not you and All Might had been labeled a traitor. 

Gran Torino: Well I didn’t see you put in your vote, did you not care or do you have some other genuine reason.

Nighteye scoffed in response to Gran Torino’s question. Gran Torino was purposely trying to start issues with him. Nighteye wouldn't fall for any tricks Gran Torino had up his sleeve.

Nighteye: Because as you should know by now I wasn’t aware of what the hell was going on, no one even know what happened and everything after is just some conspiracy, so yes I didn’t vote

Gran Torino: Look it was a controversial decision, everything about that situation was going to be controversial, but we had no choice but to go along with it. But this I don’t want to argue now, I need to know the truth about I-Island and you know more than you are letting on aren’t you

Nighteye: Fine, I’ll tell you what I know if it gets you off my back so be it, I-Island is now under the direct control of the London Branch of the World Government. It seems as if they claimed it for reasons pertaining to their investigation. The people were are dealing with in those meetings one of them is from the London branch.

Gran Torino: But how does the London branch have so much power? They can’t have taken over another branch could they? But the system is in place to prevent that exact situation.

Nighteye: My research shows they have power here and enough golably to claim I-Island and the pacific, because of this I have a warning for you, and don’t take it lightly. Stay out of I-Island’s affairs, don’t go near it, don’t even talk about it even to All Might.

Gran Torino: I’ll take your advice, however you may want to hear my advice. If we stay out of I-Island things won’t go as everyone hopes, the scale of power is unbalanced.

Nighteye: Unbalanced... interesting perspective you have

Gran Torino: It’s just any perspective, it is the absolute truth.

Nighteye: Truth huh based on what

Gran Torino: Based on factors you have no idea of, things are in motion whether you believe it or not.

Nighteye was slightly confused, he knew that Gran Torino would back down but not like this. His words were ominous and they filled him with a deep seeded dread. Gran Torino knew something was wrong, or maybe it was just the experience of growing old, however Nighteye picked up Gran Torino’s social cues, this wasn’t the last time he would hear about I-Island.

Gran Torino turned around waving goodbye with one hand to Nighteye. His cane hitting the floor with a loud thud. He had left the door open but Nighteye was in no mood to close the door. He slumped in his chair which was the exact opposite of his normal self. Stress hasn’t gotten to him in awhile but now it was washing over his body. For now he would conserve all of his mental energy for the coming metaphorical winter.

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