Chapter 5

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Arya P.O.V.

The sound of approaching footsteps near the door startles me, and in a quick motion, I slip the card beneath my pillow. Meghana enters the room, balancing a plate of food. Oh, so the princess is hungry again? Meanwhile, I couldn't even manage to finish one chapati. I silently curse you, princess; if you dare to eat that food right in front of me, you'll definitely regret it!

Why is she coming my way now? "Um... here, have it," she offers me the plate while her attention is focused on something in her other hand. She seems engrossed in whatever is happening on her phone.

"Me?" I ask, skepticism lacing my voice.

"Well, considering it's just the two of us in this room, and I'm not keen on serving food to apparitions, I suppose that makes you the lucky recipient," she replies with a nonchalant tone.

Ah, she always has a snappy retort at the ready. Why must she taunt me like this?

"Why the sudden generosity?" I quip as I accept the plate.

"If you don't want it, I can gladly take it off your hands!" she tries to retract the plate playfully, but I grip onto it firmly.

"No, no, no, I want it, and I'm going to eat it," I quickly assert, yanking the plate away from her reach.

"Good!" she says, returning to her own bed, which is just a couple of steps away from mine.

How on earth did she just decide to extend an olive branch? Should I ask her about it? No, first things first, I need to finish my meal; who knows if this will be a one-time occurrence or not. I'm still processing the fact that she actually offered me food! Normally, she's an expert at taking things away from me, but to actually give something back, that's just bizarre. There has to be something behind it! I turn my focus to the plate in my hands and start eating. At intervals, I sneak glances in her direction, noticing that she's texting someone with an enormous grin on her face-and I'm pretty sure I know exactly who that someone is.

After I've polished off the food, I muster the courage to ask her, "Could you enlighten me on what prompted you to be so kind?"

"What do you mean?" she inquires, her gaze still locked onto her phone screen.

"I mean, you handed me this plate, even though you were the reason I couldn't finish my lunch earlier."

She regards me with a puzzled expression, "You took that seriously, silly? I was just pulling your leg. It's not like I hate you or anything, and if I can't tease you, then who can I tease? I rib you because I enjoy watching your face turn all shades of red," she confesses, smiling, before returning her attention to her phone.

Her words manage to melt my heart, and I can feel my cheeks turning a shade pinker. It's these moments that make me cherish the unique bond we share as sisters.

"You recall that time I convinced Dad to pick you up from a dustbin? And you think I'm the mean one?" she chimes in, giggling.

Oh no, not that story again. I'm not a child anymore. Back when I was younger, she used to spin a tale about Dad finding me in a dustbin, and she threatened to throw me back in if I didn't listen to her. Silly me, I actually believed her back then.

"Now, off you go and fetch me a glass of water," she instructs, effectively breaking the sentimental moment. This could very well be the essence of a true sisterly exchange!

"Sure thing, madam. Anything else?" I face her, forcing a smile, but she's so engrossed in her phone that she doesn't even notice.

Well, whatever. She's right, she doesn't hate me. But then again, it's a whole different story that she treats me like her personal servant. Back when I was younger, the other kids used to tease me because of my weight, and my sister would rush to my defense, dealing with each one of them. Oddly enough, the one who teased me the most was her!

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