Chapter 9

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Arya's P.O.V.

As we make our way towards the main gate, Dev's name – likely his mom. He turns our way, bidding, "You guys continue; I have to head off now. Bye!"

He strides toward his mom, his fancy car waiting. It's clear that Dev hails from a prosperous background, yet his demeanor remains grounded. Raj, on the other hand, appears to be quite taken by Dev – barely averting his gaze, well, almost. I know I need to address this peculiar dynamic, so I swiftly shift my attention to Raj and interject his gaze.

I clear my throat, snapping him back to reality. "Hey Raj, don't you think you should ask Dev for his number?"

Raj practically jumps out of his skin. "Why would I do that?"

Oh, come on, as if anyone's buying that act. I'm Miss Encyclopedia, I can sense love from a mile away. I know genuine affection versus mere pretense.

I blurt the first thing that comes to mind. "Well, um, you see, Dev has agreed to join the performance, but we don't have his contact details. How will we keep him in the loop about rehearsals and other arrangements?" I've been a master at concocting excuses since birth.

Raj regards me for a moment, and my heart skips a beat. But then, a grin creeps onto his face. "You're right."

He swiftly closes the gap between himself and Dev, who is a short distance away. There's something significant about this juncture, though I can't quite pinpoint it. Raj halts a few feet from Dev, and it's as if an unsaid conversation dances between them. I can't fathom what's being communicated, yet it's evident they're sharing in some form. An intangible energy lingers in the air... one I'd gladly label as love.

Raj rubs his neck, offering a nervous chuckle. "Well... Dev," he starts but doesn't finish his sentence. Raj avoids Dev's gaze, his lips betraying his nerves through their repeated licking. Poor guy, his anxiety is palpable, akin to asking Dev out on a date. Not that I can fault him – from what I know, Dev is Raj's inaugural crush, and who maintains composure before a crush when seeking their number?

"Hmm?" Dev inquires of Raj, who shifts his gaze downward, now fixating on the grass beneath his feet.

Raj blushes crimson, his cheeks betraying his embarrassment. His eyes lift toward Dev, brimming with a glimmer of hope. Dev returns the gaze, his curiosity apparent, awaiting Raj's next words. Raj's fingers navigate his hair, and he finally vocalizes his thoughts, his voice quivering. "I, uh... I mean, could... you, maybe... give me your... phone number?" He glances at Dev, a hopeful vulnerability in his eyes. Dev offers a gentle smile, acknowledging Raj's true plea. Dev is on the cusp of replying when Raj presses on, hastening, "I mean, since you're participating, it's just, well, having your number would be handy... you know, for coordinating rehearsals and stuff."

In a sudden twist, a tall, robust figure sporting black glasses saunters by, leaving me momentarily breathless. It's Sid Roy. He emanates a vibe of strength and stature, his solid shoulders and well-defined chest subtly outlined beneath his shirt's fabric. His biceps, distinct against the material, hint at his physical prowess. His unruly mop of curls cascades over his forehead, adding an extra layer of allure. His mere presence demands attention, pulling my gaze in his direction.

Whenever he crosses my path, my heartbeat quickens, and my mind becomes a storm of thoughts. Imaginary conversations with him play out in my daydreams, as I yearn to uncover the layers behind his enigmatic exterior. Yet, every effort to approach him results in my throat tightening and my words stumbling over each other. Contenting myself with distant admiration is my refuge, while I wonder about the stories concealed within him.

He belongs to class 12A. Watching him recede from view sparks a pang of missed opportunities. He's occupied the role of my crush for nearly a year now, but summoning the courage to initiate contact remains an insurmountable hurdle. I'm not entirely sure why it feels so intimidating, but the prospect of making the first move feels as daunting as scaling a mountain.

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