Chapter 45

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Dev's P.O.V.

I sit at the dining table with my mom and dad, and the events of the day play like a vivid movie in my mind. My cheeks can't help but break into a contented smile as I remember the adventure I shared with Raj. It's the first time I've ever bunked school, and the amusement park feels like an oasis of excitement.

The truth is, I can't believe what I've done. I, Dev, the rule-follower, the one who always has his nose in his books, dare to skip school for a day of reckless abandon. But it's all thanks to Raj and his audacious idea. When he suggests it, I shoot him an exaggerated nod, hoping my heart can keep up with his wild plans. And here we are, waiting for dinner, the memory still fresh in my mind.

I can't help but chuckle softly to myself. Raj, the school's prefect, the embodiment of discipline and order, has a chaotic side I never knew existed. It's as if he's unleashed a hidden facet of his personality, and I'm the lucky one to witness it. The thought makes me appreciate him even more.

"Dev, something's amusing you," my mom says, breaking me from my reverie. Her warm, caring eyes are fixed on me.

I blink, realizing that I must have been lost in thought. "Oh, it's just...something funny that happened today," I reply, keeping the details vague. I don't want to worry them by admitting I skipped school.

Dad, who has been engrossed in his newspaper, looks up with a raised eyebrow. "Funny, you say? Do tell, Dev."

I hesitate for a moment, glancing at Mom, who gives me an encouraging smile. "Well, you see, there was this unexpected event at school today, and it led to...a change in plans."

I choose my words carefully, not wanting to reveal the full truth. Dad leans forward, his curiosity piqued. "An unexpected event? What happened?"

I can feel the weight of their expectations, and it makes me chuckle even more. "Let's just say, it was a day unlike any other. I promise, I'll tell you all about it later. Right now, I'm just grateful for the experience."

My mom's eyes soften, and she reaches out to gently pat my hand. "Okay..."

As we sit at the dining table, enjoying our meal, there's a moment of comfortable silence. It's broken by the sound of my dad clearing his throat, and all of us turn our attention to him. He pretends to reach for the rice bowl, avoiding eye contact with an unusual hint of nervousness.

"So," he begins, "it's Sunday tomorrow, right? You don't have school, do you?" His question is directed at me.

I nod, a bit surprised by the sudden interest in my schedule. "Yeah, it's a Sunday, Dad. No school."

He continues, his voice slightly hesitant, "And do you have any other plans for tomorrow?" His gaze finally meets mine.

I shake my head, pondering what I might do on a free Sunday. Maybe I'll laze around the entire day or call Raj to hang out together. Most likely, we'll waste our time watching something utterly ridiculous online, like how to build a rocket using kitchen ingredients.

After a prolonged silence, my dad speaks again, his tone more deliberate. "I was thinking...I mean, a few of my employees were talking about this movie that released this week. They say it's good, so... if you're up for it, maybe we can go and watch it."

A subtle exchange of glances between my mom and me doesn't go unnoticed by my dad. I hesitate, then finally voice my concern, "Dad, don't you usually go to Delhi for your first physical jewelry store on Sundays?"

He nods, as if it's no big deal. "True, but there's not much left for me to do there for a few weeks. The designs are ready, and most of the work is already done. The location has been decided, and the renovation is underway."

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