Chapter 11

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Dev's P.O.V.

Have you ever felt those fluttering butterflies in your stomach when you see someone? Well, I have them now. Every time our eyes meet, it's like a thousand tiny wings taking flight inside me. It's a feeling I've never experienced before, and it's both scary and exhilarating.

I find myself smiling at his jokes, even the ones that aren't all that funny. I just can't help it. His laughter is infectious, and I want to be a part of it. I want to be there when he's telling those silly jokes, and I want to share in the joy that lights up his eyes. 

And then there's the way he looks at me. It's like he sees something in me that I never knew was there. I catch him staring sometimes, and it's like he's studying every little detail. It's as if I'm the most fascinating thing in the world to him, and that feeling is incredible.

Raj is perfect in so many ways. He's confident, he's charming, and he's unapologetically himself. It's like he's everything I'm not, and yet, I can't help but be drawn to him.

This feeling is strange, I won't deny it. It's like I'm discovering a new side of myself, and it's a little scary. But it's also beautiful. If being a little foolish, a little head-over-heels, makes me this happy, then I want to embrace it with open arms. 

"What's got you smiling so much today?" My mom's voice cuts through my reverie as she steers the car.

I suddenly become aware of the grin plastered on my face. "Oh, nothing. Just pay attention to the road," I manage to say, trying to compose myself, but my smile refuses to fade.

"Alright," she chuckles, and I shift my focus to my phone. Maybe a new message has arrived, or perhaps... a call? But as I unlock my phone, the screen remains disappointingly silent. It's like a forgotten house, abandoned and left to decay.

The journey continues, each moment stretching like an eternity. Mom's voice breaks the silence again, "So, do you have a crush on that girl?"

My confusion takes over. "What girl?"

"The one you were chatting with - Arya. I saw you two at school."

I can't help but laugh. "No way, Mom. Why does everyone assume that I like her? It's just the second day, and you're already teasing me about it."

She grins mischievously. "Well, you did seem quite engrossed in conversation."

I shake my head, still smiling. "Mom, relax. But seriously, why does everyone think so?"

"Who's everyone?" she asks.

"Someone in the canteen asked me the same thing today."

As we pull into the driveway, we step out of the car. I sling my bag over my shoulder and head straight for the house, climbing the stairs to my room.

"Change and come down, I'll heat up the food," mom calls after me, heading for the kitchen.

"Sure," I respond and enter my room. I place my phone on the desk and look out the window, my thoughts wandering. It's not like I want to hide anything from my mom, but these feelings are so new and bewildering that I'm not even sure how to put them into words.

The door swings open, and my phone is already in my hand, I check for notifications. And there it is, a solitary message: "Your data plan is about to expire. Recharge now for 2 GB of free data."

I shut down my phone, slump my bag onto the table, and collapse onto my bed. The million-dollar question - why ask for my number if there's no intention to message or call? My gaze traces patterns on the ceiling as my hand involuntarily dips into my pocket. "I'm losing it," I mumble to myself. "Enough, Dev, get yourself together." Leaving my phone on the bed, I trudge towards the bathroom.

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