Chapter 31

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Dev's P.O.V.

It's Sunday, and as I lie on the bed, I can't help but marvel at how the day has passed by in a blur. Raj has been here since morning, and somehow, we've managed to do absolutely nothing productive. We've been sprawled out on the bed in every conceivable position, exploring every corner of its comfort. Who knew that a bed could be a source of endless fascination? It's almost like a science experiment to determine the perfect angle for maximum relaxation.The laptop rests on my stomach, its screen displaying a video titled "10 Creative Ways to Kill Mosquitoes." Raj and I exchange amused glances before pressing play. We watch with rapt attention as the video suggests everything from building mosquito traps with empty bottles to constructing a miniature mosquito fortress out of paper. Each idea is more absurd than the last, and we can't help but burst into laughter.

"We could start a mosquito-killing business," Raj jokes, his laughter contagious.

"Or we could just buy a good old mosquito repellent," I reply, still chuckling.As the video comes to an end, Raj closes the laptop with a satisfied grin. "Well, that was an educational experience."

I nod in agreement, feeling an unexpected sense of contentment from spending such a silly and carefree day. But as the sun starts its descent, casting a warm glow through the window, I notice Raj's expression change. He becomes more serious, his gaze fixed on something beyond the laptop screen.

"Let's go," he says suddenly, his voice soft yet determined.

I raise an eyebrow, curious. "Go where?"

Raj turns to look at me, his eyes carrying a depth of meaning that I can't quite decipher. "Somewhere I want you to be."

His words hang in the air, carrying a weight that I can't ignore. I meet his gaze, searching for clues in the depths of his eyes. There's a seriousness there, a sense of purpose that makes my heart race.

"But...where?" I ask, my curiosity mixed with a hint of uncertainty.

Raj's lips curve into a gentle smile, and he reaches out to brush a strand of hair away from my forehead. "Trust me, Dev."

In that moment, as I look into his eyes, I feel a surge of emotions that I can't quite put into words. The room around us seems to fade away, and all that exists is the connection between us. The playfulness of the day gives way to something deeper, something that tugs at my heartstrings.

I can't say no, not when his eyes hold so much meaning and his voice carries a promise. So, I nod, a mixture of anticipation and nervous excitement bubbling within me. "Okay, let's go."

Raj's smile widens, and he offers me his hand. I take it without hesitation, the touch sending a shiver down my spine. As we stand up from the bed, I can't help but wonder where he's taking me. But one thing I know for sure is that wherever it is, it's somewhere he wants me to be, and that's all I need to know. It's funny how just two simple words from this guy, Raj, have managed to pull me out of my self-imposed cocoon. I've been cooped up in my house for over a week, avoiding the outside world, and letting the days blur together. But here I am, standing on the precipice of something unknown, all because of those two words: "Let's go.


One thing's for sure - I could journey through the depths of Hades without a single question, as long as I'm perched on the backseat of this bicycle with Raj at the helm, his waist gripped by my hands. I've never been on a bicycle before; my dad never showed me, and my mom's clueless about the whole thing. Logically, I should be a bundle of nerves, right?

Yet, here I am, grinning like a madman, caught in the embrace of the evening breeze. Raj's pedaling carries us away from the city's hubbub, the urban chaos a distant echo. We traverse through a corridor of trees, sunlight weaving its golden threads through leaves and branches. The cool evening wind wraps around us, soothing and invigorating in equal measure. As the sun dips, its warm hue stains the grass in a fiery red, casting an ethereal glow over everything it touches. The trees stand as silent witnesses, their outstretched arms a canopy that shields us from the rest of the world. Each whisper of the wind feels like a secret shared only with us, a private conversation between earth and sky. The sun's final bow paints the horizon in shades of amber and coral as if the heavens themselves are applauding the spectacle.

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