Chapter 15

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Dev's P.O.V

I wake up to the soft glow of sunlight filtering through my window, casting a warm and gentle light on the room. The peacefulness of the morning beckons me, and I sit down on the floor near the window, my favorite spot after getting out of bed. It's a ritual I cherish, embracing the tranquility that mornings bring. In this moment, there is no rush, no blaring car horns or frantic footsteps. The world seems to find solace in this time, offering a glimpse of a simpler, quieter existence.

As I bask in the stillness, I am serenaded by the joyful melodies of birds chirping outside. Their sweet voices get lost amidst the chaos of the day, unnoticed and unappreciated. But right now, I take the time to observe their delicate movements-the way they scratch their wings with their beaks, their graceful flight across the sky. The morning sky itself paints a picture of beauty, with streaks of reddish hues blending with the blue canvas. It's as if nature grants a fleeting moment for two opposing forces to acknowledge each other-the sun spreading its radiant rays on one side while the moon gathers its gentle glow on the other.

Living in a bustling city, these glimpses of nature are all I have. I've always yearned for the majestic mountains, lush forests, and cascading waterfalls I've seen in movies and music videos. My mom knows how much I love them, which is why we used to venture to places like Shimla, Manali, or Ooty during our vacations.

But then, my dad made a decision-to prioritize his income and reduce his time for us. Our cherished vacation trips, Saturday night family moments, and even our heartfelt conversations around the dining table gradually faded away, replaced by the demands of Tanushri Jewels, the business he became consumed by. He said he wanted to provide me with a better life, one he never had. But in the process, he unintentionally robbed us of the time we truly longed for. He may have aimed to enhance my adulthood, but he unwittingly snatched away pieces of my childhood.

I reach for my phone on the bedside table, hoping for a semblance of connection in this digital age. As I open WhatsApp, Raj's profile picture catches my eye. Yes, we had a conversation yesterday, and it was during that conversation that he uttered those words that made my heart flutter: "Your smile is the cutest thing I have ever seen."

A surge of emotions engulfs me, causing my cheeks to flush with warmth. I can't help but wear a peculiar smile, relishing the memory of his compliment. My heart dances within my chest as I retrace our entire conversation from yesterday, savoring every word, every interaction.

Should I send him a good morning message? We are friends now, right? Friends say good morning to each other. But what if he's not the type of person who checks his phone first thing in the morning? What if my message annoys him or comes across as cringy? What if he lumps me together with those uncles in family groups who flood everyone's chats with cheesy good morning pictures every day?

I take a deep breath, attempting to calm my racing thoughts. One good morning message won't hurt, will it? It's just a simple gesture... right?

Deciding to take the plunge, I find a cute GIF of a sleepy kitty and send it to Raj, hoping it strikes the right balance. Does it seem too childish? I tend to use a lot of emojis and GIFs in my conversations, so maybe it's okay.

With the morning rituals complete, I head to the bathroom for a refreshing shower. However, I notice something amiss as I step out of the shower and begin to get dressed for school. Yet, there's an unsettling absence in the air. My mom is usually here by now, calling me from downstairs to make sure I'm ready. But today, there is only silence.

Curiosity tinged with concern fills my mind. Wasn't she fine yesterday? Did something happen after I fell asleep? These questions swirl in my thoughts, urging me to investigate the unusual circumstances.

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