Chapter 22

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Dev's P.O.V

By the time we finish practicing our song, I walk outside to see it's already raining. Piya has a beautiful voice, and that day in the canteen when I heard her sing, I couldn't stop myself from complimenting her. It was a moment of pure magic. It was the first time I had sung before such a large audience. Well, if you consider the twenty students from my previous class a crowd, then yes, I have sung before a crowd.

As the rain pours down, I realize that Divya and Raj are still engrossed in the play preparations, so it's just me who's leaving early or on time today. Luckily, my ever-prepared mother had reminded me to grab an umbrella. She has an uncanny ability to anticipate things in advance. I take out the umbrella and walk into the hallway towards the main gate, where I spot someone staring out at the rain with a vacant expression. It's Aman. His hands are nestled in his pockets, his backpack resting comfortably on his broad shoulder, and his eyes fixed on the raindrops falling through his ocean-blue spectacles. He seems lost in thought, oblivious to the world around him. It wouldn't surprise me if he either ignores my approach or fails to notice it altogether.

Aman has been standing there, waiting for the rain to cease, for what feels like hours. Determined to offer him some respite from the downpour, I open my umbrella and position myself next to him, inviting him to share the shelter it provides.

For a few seconds, Aman doesn't respond. Then he shifts his weight, indicating that he has noticed my presence. Jeez, would it hurt him to turn and acknowledge me? It's not as if his name would break if he did, or his tongue would need stitches if he said a simple "hi," or even that his lips would shatter if he mustered a friendly smile.

"We can share the umbrella, if you don't mind," I offer softly, hoping for a positive response.

"I do," he replies without looking at me, implying that he isn't even listening to anything through his earphones.

Perplexed, I furrow my brows. "Why?" I ask, unable to grasp his reluctance.

He finally turns to face me, his gaze digging into mine, shaking something deep within my soul. Aman swallows audibly before uttering his words, as if each syllable carries the weight of his uncertainty. "I'll take a rickshaw, and you'll go home in your car. We'll have to part ways eventually, so it doesn't make sense walking together because... we aren't reaching anywhere together."

His ability to speak at length surprises me. I've always known he could speak, but hearing him articulate such a complex thought catches me off guard.

"That's the longest you've ever spoken," I say, almost jumping in astonishment. Aman freezes for a second, his brow furrowing, before shaking his head and stepping back.

"And nah, my mom can't make it today. I'm also taking the rickshaw, so we definitely are walking together. Now come with me," I assert, stepping towards him and extending the umbrella over both of us once again.

"We both can't fit in it," Aman mumbles, his gaze shifting up to my small yet charming umbrella. It's adorned with a vibrant shade of blue, adorned with sparkling white stars that twinkle against the rain-soaked backdrop, resembling stars resting on a blanket of freshly fallen snow. It was love at first sight when I spotted it in the store.

I simply shrug, dismissing his concern. "Yeah, I know, but if one of us gets drenched in the rain, they'll be sick for at least three days. But if we both get partly drenched, it'll be one and a half days for both of us. Isn't that better?" I offer, hoping to convince him. I can't help but wonder why I'm not scared of him, despite the rumors and his intimidating presence. There's something about Aman that tells me he's not a bad person, especially after that day when he tried to comfort me by offering water. Isn't it my turn to help him?

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