Chapter 17

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Arya's P.OV

The room fell into an eerie silence, and I couldn't help feeling a bit bewildered. I mean, it's not like I just suggested a plot involving a love affair between a superhero and a space alien. So, why is everyone staring at me as if I've just revealed a hidden superpower? I glance around, desperately seeking some sort of reaction, but the dumbfounded expressions seem to be stuck on everyone's faces like they're frozen in time.

Finally, Divya breaks the silence, waving me to take a seat while she, along with Raj and Nitank, the play's director, huddles at the other end of the room. I shuffle towards a vacant spot between Mayank and Dev. Just as I settle down, I catch Asim's gaze, and something's definitely up with him. He's usually so quick to make fun of me or challenge me, but now he's just sitting there, staring at me like he's trying to decipher an ancient code. Well, whatever he's up to, I've got better things to do.

Mayank can't hold it in any longer and blurts out, "Did you actually come up with that, Arya?"I smirk and reply, "Of course I did. It's about time you all recognized my genius. I've been waiting."

Dev looks like he's seen a ghost as he stammers, "Your plot is... it's pretty intense."

Sure, I knew they'd be surprised by my plot since I've never shared one before, but this level of shock is a bit too much. And what's the deal with Mr. Silent Brooding behind me? Did he lose his voice or something? Not that I care.

Raj's voice cuts through the awkwardness, saving us from the suspense. All eyes shift to him as he says, "Thanks for your ideas, everyone. Honestly, each one was amazing and unique in its own way. We're just faced with the dilemma of choosing one for our play. Our director, Nitank, is having a tough time deciding between two plots—Asim's and Arya's."

Nitank steps forward, clearing his throat, his presence commanding attention. "Asim's plot tackles a relevant societal issue, while Arya's plot holds a mirror to a harsh reality we often overlook. It's a tough call. We're considering a vote-"

"I withdraw my plot," a sudden declaration echoes from the backseat, jolting everyone in the room. All eyes turn towards Asim, his unexpected announcement casting a perplexed silence over the group. What on earth is going on in his head?

Raj, seeking clarification, furrows his brows and asks, "What do you mean?"

Asim repeats himself, his gaze fixed intently on the floor. "I'm pulling back my plot," he murmurs softly, the words hanging in the air like a cryptic puzzle. Seriously, what's up with this guy? Did he get a sudden bout of enlightenment or something?

Divya steps forward, visibly intrigued. "But why?"

Without raising his gaze, Asim speaks with a touch of hesitation, "I believe Arya's plot holds a mirror to a reality that deserves our attention." His eyes finally meet mine, and for a moment, there's something in them that speaks of vulnerability, a side of Asim I've never seen before. I'm itching to ask what's really eating at him, but before I can say anything, Divya intervenes.

"Alright, then it's settled," Divya sighs. "Arya will be the one writing this play." The room bursts into applause as I stand up, my gratitude evident. However, I'm pretty sure Ms. Sly over there isn't too thrilled with this outcome. Maybe she was secretly rooting for the python-themed plot by our resident herpetology enthusiast. If there were a vote, I bet she'd be waving a python banner right now.

"But Arya, time is of the essence," Divya continues once the applause subsides. "I'll need the script by Monday."

Hold up, it's Saturday! How am I supposed to whip up an entire script in less than two days? After this long journey, I'm in no shape to compose anything coherent.

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