Chapter 44

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Dev's P.O.V.

Our laughter, fueled by adrenaline and the joy of escape, fills the once-silent alleyway. We exchange triumphant glances, our eyes dancing with a shared sense of accomplishment. In this moment, we are unstoppable.

As we weave through the maze-like streets, the world becomes our playground. Walls adorned with vibrant street art blur past us, each turn leading us deeper into the heart of the city. With every step, I feel myself shedding the anxiety that has plagued me for far too long.

As we venture further into the heart of the city, Raj can't help but let his playful nature shine through. He turns to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and a smile playing on his lips. We meanders through the vibrant streets, where walls burst with a riot of colors.

Raj had suddenly dropped a bombshell: "Let's invade the amusement park right in the middle of a school day!" My heart did a salsa in my chest at his audacious idea, but it was Raj, and when he suggested something, the word "no" mysteriously vanished from the dictionary of possibilities. So, I had shot him an exaggerated nod, hoping my heart could keep up with his wild plans! And here we are waiting for the bus on the bus stop.

As the bus doors close behind us, the atmosphere transforms into a kaleidoscope of sensations. The scent of various perfumes mingles with the comforting aroma of well-worn textbooks, creating a heady concoction that's strangely nostalgic. It's been ages since I've embarked on a journey via public transport, and this moment is like a bittersweet trip down memory lane.

I squeeze myself into the overcrowded bus, my shoulder brushing against Raj's. The close proximity sends a delightful shiver down my spine, a reminder of the electrifying connection between us that I can't deny.

Raj's eyes twinkle mischievously, and his grin is like a secret we both share. He doesn't need to say anything; his playful expression says it all. My cheeks flush with warmth, and I'm sure
they're radiating a shade of crimson that could rival a summer sunset. It's amazing how Raj can make me feel like the most important person in his world, even amidst the chaos of this bus ride.

In an attempt to conceal my embarrassment, I divert my attention to a loose thread on my shirt, fingers fidgeting with it nervously. I can't help but mutter, my voice barely audible over the bus's rumbling engine, "Cut it out, Raj," as I continue to grapple with this rollercoaster of emotions he effortlessly stirs within me.

Raj's laughter dances in the air, drawing us closer, cocooned within our own world. "You know, you can't blame me for stealing glances; your blushing is simply adorable."

A timid grin slowly blooms on my lips, surrendering to Raj's infectious exuberance. His words envelop me in a comforting embrace, a shield against the outside world. "Well, maybe you've got some kind of superpower too. I can't think of anyone else who can make me feel like this."

The bus grinds to a halt, its hydraulic sigh marking a brief respite in our bustling journey. A handful of passengers disembark, lost in their own thoughts and destinations, while the city outside continues its relentless hum.

In that precise moment, Raj, always quick and decisive, seizes the opportunity. He quickly sits on newly empty seat with effortless grace, ensuring no other passenger can claim it. With a practiced flourish, he secures the window seat, his eyes shimmering with anticipation, an invitation I can't resist.

With a gracious sweep of his hand, Raj beckons me to join him. Sunlight filters through the bus's dusty windows, casting a warm halo around his face, emphasizing the boyish charm that drew me to him from the start. Unable to contain my smile, I make my way toward the coveted seat, feeling the pull of his attraction in every step.

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