Chapter 24

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Dev's P.O.V

With a burst of adrenaline, I leap from my seat and hug my mom for reassurance. Her whispered encouragement lingers in my ears as I make my way backstage. The air buzzes with praise for Arya and Asim's stellar performances, but I can barely take it in. My breath feels stuck in my chest, and my heart pounds like it's trying to escape. It's my turn now, time to face the expectant audience and nail the final scene with Piya. Divya, our director, gives Piya some last-minute instructions near the stage while I stand frozen by the dressing room door.

All my confidence drains away, leaving my hands trembling and my throat tight. How can I possibly perform in front of all those people? Their eyes will be on me, judging every move. What if I mess up and disappoint my dad? I stand just behind the stage, my palms sweaty and my throat dry with anxiety. This level of fear is completely new to me; I can't afford to mess up.

In that moment of overwhelming fear, a familiar touch brushes against my fingers, and my fist relaxes. I let that touch work its magic, the fingers intertwining with mine, providing a firm grip. The warmth of his touch seeps into my arm, radiating comfort. It spreads beneath my skin, releasing tension and loosening every fiber of my being. I feel myself surrendering to the sensation, my muscles easing. The warmth extends to my shoulders, gradually unraveling the knot in my throat. As the audience chatter fades into the background, I take deeper breaths, my inhalations growing easier.

His touch continues its journey, traveling to the depths of my heart, an unfamiliar yet soothing sensation. It envelops me, cocooning me in an unprecedented warmth and comfort. I've never experienced anything like it before. My heartbeat steadies, synchronized with the rhythm of his presence. The warmth courses through my body, permeating every inch, until I am completely at ease.

Raj remains silent, not questioning, giving me the time I need. Finally, I release my tension and turn my gaze upward, meeting his warm eyes. His smile is a balm to my soul, and he leans in close, his breath tickling my ear. "I'll be right there with you, standing in front of you. Tonight, will you..." he shifts his gaze to meet mine, "...sing for me?"

Anything... "For you," I reply, nodding, and attempt to return his smile.

Stepping onto the stage, I'm hit with a rush of nervous energy. The audience seems to stretch on forever, their faces lost in the blinding stage lights. It's overwhelming, and all I want to do is run away.

But then, I spot him. Raj is standing near the edge of the stage, and just seeing him there brings me a sense of peace. It's like his presence cuts through all the chaos in my mind, making me feel like I can handle anything. Suddenly, the nerves don't seem so bad.

"Tonight, will you sing for me?" His words are soft, but they reach me clearly, calming me down. I'm not just singing for a crowd of strangers anymore; I'm singing for Raj. With him in mind, I feel more confident, and my voice feels stronger.

For you, Raj. Anything and everything.

Arya P.O.V

Na Chain Se Jeene Degi Na Chain Se Marne Degi

(It (the world) will not let us live in peace or die in peace.)

Na Chain Se Jeene Degi Na Chain Se Marne Degi
(It will neither allow us to live peacefully nor to die in peace.)

Han Chalo Le Chalein Tumhein Taaron Ke Shehar Mein
(Let's take you to the city of the stars.)

Dharti Pe Yeh Duniya Hamein Pyar Na Karne Degi
(On Earth, this world is not going to let us love each other freely.)

My eyes sweep across the dimly lit auditorium, taking in the sea of faces. Among them, I spot Meghana, her eyes locked onto Ahan's. There's a silent conversation going on between them. Her lips quiver, and she clutches her dupatta like it's the only thing keeping her grounded. It looks like she's about to burst into tears any second now.

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