Chapter 34

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Arya P.O.V.

After a day of school that feels like riding high on a rollercoaster of excitement, I return home, my heart still dancing with the thrill of the day. But as I step inside, a peculiar stillness greets me, shrouding the house in an unusual silence. Something is off, and the warmth of anticipation that buoyed me throughout the day begins to give way to a gnawing sense of unease. My gaze sweeps across the living room, the hallway, but no sign of Meghna. That's when a slight tug of worry begins to gnaw at my insides.

I venture deeper into the house, the air feeling heavier with every step. The warm hues of the evening sun sneak through the half-drawn curtains, casting long shadows across the room. My steps grow slower, hesitating as I near Meghna's room. The door is slightly ajar, and a sense of foreboding settles over me like a heavy cloud.

Pushing the door open gently, I enter the room. There she is, Meghna, perched on her bed, her knees drawn up to her chest, her face buried in her arms. It's a sight that immediately makes my heart ache - my strong sister, visibly vulnerable and in distress, her usual aura of confidence dimmed.

"Hey," I murmur softly, my voice carrying a mix of concern and comfort, as if trying to bridge the gap of her pain. "Is everything okay?"

Meghna's shoulders tremble slightly, and when she looks up, I see the glisten of tears in her eyes. That sight is enough to shatter the remaining barriers of my heart, and an ache settles deep within me. I cross the room in long strides, sinking down to sit beside her on the bed. Without a word, I wrap my arm around her, offering the silent solace she needs.

As the sunrays play across the room, painting patterns of light and shadow, Meghna finally speaks, her voice shaky but laden with relief. She shares how terrified she was, facing the inquiry alone, the weight of judgment and consequences heavy on her shoulders. But then, Ahan had held her hand, a steadfast anchor amid the storm. He had faced the questions alongside her, their voices united in truth.

They asked many questions, prodding and poking into every corner of their lives, insinuating the worst. Yet, they stood strong, determined to let the truth shine through the darkness of false accusations. Meghna's voice wavered as she recalled how they had answered each question, faced each accusation with unwavering determination. It was a battle of words, a battle for their integrity.

A small, fragile smile tugs at Meghna's lips as she recounts their resilience, how they band together against the storm of doubt, fending off the looming threat of expulsion. She wipes away a tear with trembling fingers, her vulnerability laid bare before me.

"He's been handling everything, Arya," she whispers, her voice fragile but filled with gratitude. "We got through the inquiry, and they didn't expel me."

Relief surges within me, matching hers, and a genuine smile curves my lips, tinged with tears of my own. But then, she shares the final twist in this tale, the sting in the sweet victory. Ahan's father, the college Dean, looked at her with disdain before leaving. His words, a venomous question, "I wonder how your father will react to it when he gets to hear all about it," carried a bitter edge. The happiness seems to drain from the room, leaving behind a hollow ache that resonates within me.

Fear clenches my heart at the mere thought of our father knowing about it. The weight of his expectations has always driven Meghna, and now the possibility of him knowing about it, a burden I'm not sure Meghna can bear.

My arm tightens around Meghna, pulling her closer as if to shield her from the world's cruelty and the uncertainties that lie ahead. The evening sun, once a comforting presence, now casts long shadows that dance like specters on the walls.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, dii," I whisper, my voice fierce and unwavering, an oath made to protect and uplift. "We'll face this together, we'll face everything together, no matter what, and we'll get over every challenge that comes our way. And as for Dad-"

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