Chapter 23

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Arya's P.O.V.

The backstage is buzzing with life, the air thick with excitement as the play's about to start. Actors rush around, tweaking their costumes with manic precision, making sure every sequin and button is perfect. Makeup artists swoop in, adding the final touches, turning everyday faces into dramatic masterpieces. Prop masters fuss over the set, ensuring everything is just right to whisk the audience away into the play's world.

Dev and Piya are in their corner, tuning instruments and practicing their tunes, their music adding to the building anticipation. Raj and Divya are running last-minute scene rehearsals, their voices a steady calm in the midst of all the chaos. Stagehands dart about, checking rigging, lights, and sound, making sure everything is set for a flawless performance. The whole backstage is a hive of activity, everyone working together to create some theater magic.

In the middle of all this, I'm standing at the gate, eyes peeled for my sister Meghna. The car park outside the auditorium is buzzing too, with theatergoers arriving, their laughter and chatter mixing with the evening air. The setting sun is casting a warm glow, turning the sky into a canvas of vibrant colors. Car doors open and close, adding to the chorus of excitement.

Weeks of build-up have led to this night, a make-or-break moment. I've poured my heart into rehearsals, hoping my performance can spark the change we need. But who knows? I can't see beyond the curtain call. The uncertainty is gnawing at me, making me restless.

My heart is pounding like crazy, not just because of the performance pressure but because of what's at stake for Meghna. I can't let her be trapped in a life that crushes her dreams. Sacrifices should be chosen, not forced on us by what others think we should do. I won't let Meghna suffer that pain.

As my eyes scan the car park, a surge of relief washes over me as I spot our father's car pulling in. I watch as my family emerges from the vehicle, their steps purposeful as they approach me, their support tangible in the air. Meghna's face reflects her reluctance, a veil of hesitation but she still came for me. She walks behind our parents, dressed in a simple yet elegant blue suit, a light dupatta adding a touch of elegance. Her cascading hair frames her face, a gentle reminder of her natural beauty. I feel a fierce protectiveness well up within me-I won't allow this girl ruin her life.

With a nod from our parents, we begin our procession towards the auditorium. Words of encouragement and well-wishes remain unspoken, overshadowed by the unspoken expectations that have always loomed over us. Meghna takes her seat with a deadpan expression, her words laced with a mix of teasing and hidden sentiment.

"Don't bore me on stage, at least give a bearable performance," she remarks, her gaze fixed on me.

A playful retort escapes my lips, infused with a hint of truth. "Of course, princess. This entire performance is solely for you," I reply, the weight of our unspoken connection woven through my words.

As I walk towards the makeup room, my fingers instinctively reach for my phone, searching for a familiar connection amidst the whirlwind of emotions. I send a message to Ahan. "She came... She's here"


Dev's P.O.V.

My heart takes off like a sprinter as I stand backstage, the energy of the cast and crew swirling around me. The atmosphere crackles with excitement and a touch of nerves, each thump of my heart a reminder of the role I'm about to play in this grand performance. From the soft hum of the audience beyond, I can practically taste the anticipation in the air.

In the midst of my swirling emotions, a familiar touch lands gently on my shoulder. I look up, and there's Raj, his comforting gaze finding mine. His hand slips into mine, and suddenly, it's like our fingers were made to fit together. The warmth of his touch spreads through me, and the nervousness that is dancing in my stomach gives way to a glimmer of courage.

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