Chapter 6

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Dev's P.O.V

Have you ever trusted someone so deeply that you wanted to pour your entire life into their hands? To let go of all your secrets and fears, and just be vulnerable? But what happens when that person you trusted changes? Do you ever wish someone could love you so fiercely that they'd cross any boundary for you... even if it meant crossing the line?

Vikram's messages keep flooding in, and I'm too scared to hit that block button. What if he decides to show up? The mere thought of hearing his voice makes my heart race, and he's already called me a million times.

My phone buzzes incessantly on the bed, but I'm standing by the window, lost in memories of a simpler time, when life wasn't so complicated. Back when I was a carefree kid. But as the years went by, things shifted. Now it feels like I'm trapped in a fancy cage, only there's no happiness within. People might come and go, but they never truly get inside. Why does growing up have to be this way? Why couldn't life have stayed uncomplicated? Why did everything have to get so tangled?

The clock's gentle chimes snap me out of my reverie, and I find my mom standing at the doorway, her familiar smile lighting up the room. She's the queen of positivity.

"Hey, Dev," she starts to say, but then she stops herself, her gaze on me by the window. It's like she wanted to wake me up, but then changed her mind. I haven't slept much anyway.

I stand there by the window, gazing out at the cityscape as the sun begins its ascent, gradually dispelling the darkness with each delicate ray. My hands press against the cool glass, as if I could reach out and touch the warmth of that rising sun.

"Are you here to bring me some sunshine today, like you did yesterday?" I whisper, my words drifting into the early morning air, addressed to no one in particular, my eyes locked onto the horizon.

"Absolutely, sweetheart," comes Mom's reply from the doorway, her voice carrying an unwavering, boundless love.

With a soft and tender smile, she approaches, her very presence a comforting embrace. "Good morning," she utters, her voice a soothing caress only a mother could provide.

I return the smile, but a trace of uncertainty lingers in my eyes. "How can you be so sure?" I inquire, still fixed on the burgeoning sun, as though seeking answers in its golden glow.

Her response carries a playful twinkle in her eye. "Moms are always right. Are you starting to doubt that now?" She leans in and lets out a soft chuckle.

Her hand gently rests upon my head, and a sense of serenity washes over me. Her touch acts as a soothing salve, easing the inner turmoil that's been churning within me. "Dev, have you ever noticed that regardless of the challenges life hurls its way, the sun never fails to rise with hope? Each day, it confronts the unknown, braving storms, rain, and even thunder. Yet, no matter what it endures, it returns the next morning, ready to bestow its light and warmth anew. It's a reminder that, no matter how tough things may become, there's always a new day waiting for us." Her hand continues to caress my head gently, her words sinking deep into my soul.

Her infectious positivity permeates my very soul. I pull her into a warm embrace, enfolding her in my arms. The gentle, circular caress of her hand against my back feels like a magical incantation, banishing my worries to the shadows. In her embrace, I find refuge, a sanctuary where nothing can harm me. It's a sensation I hold dear, one that alleviates my fears and uncertainties.

As I release her slightly, she cradles my face in her hands, her words resonating deep within me. "Dev, always remember, if you haven't committed any wrongs, happiness will inevitably find its way to you. Regardless of how daunting things may appear now, there will come a day when you'll receive what you truly deserve—the whole world." Her words wash over me like a soothing tide, filling my heart with gratitude. "I love you, Mom," I whisper, my voice brimming with sincerity. She comprehends me in a way no one else ever could.

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