Chapter 14

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Arya's P O V

"Let it all out, right from the start," I press, my eagerness evident.

His focus remains on his mug as a heavy sigh escapes him. Silence fills the room momentarily, only to be broken by the slow lift of his gaze to meet mine. The corners of his eyes glisten with tears, catching me unawares. This is the same person whose smile is as constant as the sun, yet now he's on the cusp of tears. Which facet should I trust—the one that radiates joy or the one that brims with sorrow?

After a brief pause, he begins.

"I had just embarked on my journey as a professor. The thrill of being addressed as 'sir,' engaging with students, imparting knowledge in the classroom, and assisting them—it was all exhilaratingly fresh.

I'd seen her in my classes before, but she remained an unfamiliar face until that incident.One day, I realized I'd left my wallet behind in my office. Panic surged through me as I recollected the credit cards, IDs, and other essentials nestled within it. Leaving everything unattended overnight wasn't an option, so I opted to return to the college.

As I arrived, the campus lay cloaked in darkness, deserted by all. I headed straight for my office, scouring it feverishly for my wallet. But then, an abrupt noise echoed from the vicinity of the classrooms. It was 8 pm, and I was baffled by who might be present at such a late hour.

Intrigued, I pursued the sound, yet nothing suspicious met my gaze. The surroundings seemed steeped in silence and shadows. Just as I considered retreating, a faint tune—a cellphone's ringtone—permeated the air. I pondered who could be within the college's confines at this hour.I retraced my steps and pinpointed the source—a trash bin. Digging through its contents, I discovered a bag and a collection of tattered books. The phone's insistent ring persisted from within the bag, fueling my unease.

My eyes wandered, alighting on the floor, where a girl's scarf lay forsaken near a classroom door. I attempted to unlatch the door, but it resisted my efforts. I couldn't help but wonder if the earlier clamor had originated from within that room.

"Is someone there?" I called out, met with resounding silence. My forehead met the glass door as I peered through, and my heart sank upon spotting an unmoving figure on the floor. Panic surged, and I fumbled for my phone, dialing for help in desperation. But the guard was nowhere in sight, and under my breath, I muttered, "That guard's out of a job tomorrow."

My attempts to unlock the door through sheer determination only fueled my anxiety. The person within remained unresponsive. Knocking, pounding—I tried them all, yet no response was forthcoming. And so, with determination hardening within me, I resolved to seek out spare keys, hoping they lay concealed somewhere within the principal's office."

I looked everywhere in the office, turning things over and checking every nook. Luckily, I found a set of spare keys. I hurried back to the classroom door, my hands shaking as I put the key in and unlocked it. The door made a creaky noise as I pushed it open. Inside, I saw a girl lying on the floor, not moving. I tried to wake her up gently, but she didn't respond. So, I carefully picked her up and carried her outside, hoping the fresh air would help her feel better. After a little while, she slowly opened her eyes, and I felt so relieved. When she looked up at me, her eyes were really striking.

I helped her sit on the stairs and asked if she was okay. But she seemed scared and couldn't say anything. She was breathing heavily, and her whole body was shaking. I didn't know how to make her feel better, so I put my hand on her shoulder, and she suddenly hugged me really tight. It surprised me, but I tried to comfort her.

"It's alright, things will be okay," I said softly, patting her back gently. She was shaking so much, and her heart was racing.

At that moment, I felt scared too, seeing her so worried. I just wanted to make her feel safe. When we let go of the hug, I ran to my car and got a water bottle, offering it to her to drink.

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