Chapter 21

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Arya's P.O.V.

The anticipation is building up as Independence Day draws near, and we've been tirelessly practicing for the upcoming celebrations. But Mis Nakchadi, my innocent yet clueless sister, still hasn't returned to her usual self. She's putting on a façade, attempting to fake her laughter and taunts, but she can't fool me. I see right through her act because I understand what she's going through.

This college was her last beacon of hope for a better life, a chance to be independent, or perhaps even find the freedom to marry someone she truly desires. And now, as all her dreams and hopes crumble before her eyes, how can she be expected to behave as if everything is normal? Because nothing is normal anymore, it never has been, and perhaps it never will be.

"Breakfast is ready," my mom's voice echoes from the living room.

"Okay," I respond, quickly running the comb through my hair one last time.

As I enter the dining area, I see my mom bustling about in the kitchen, and Meghna, my sister, standing near the dining table, dutifully serving breakfast to our father.

"Good morning," I mutter to no one in particular, taking my seat at the dining table.

My father clears his throat, and my mom emerges from the kitchen, carrying a glass of juice. Their shared look tells me that something important is about to be revealed. Oh God, here it comes.

"So, yesterday, we had a conversation with Nidhi aunty," my dad begins, extending his glass toward Meghna. Without missing a beat, she pours juice into it.

"Really? What did she say?" My mom feigns excitement, but my sister and I refuse to show any enthusiasm. Of course, my mom already knows the news, but they want it to reach us, so they stage this little charade.

My father clears his throat once again. "Yes, she mentioned that there's a family interested in Meghna. They want us to meet them-" He steals a glance at Meghna, but her expression remains impassive, as if she couldn't care less. But she should care! This isn't some game that you can reset if things don't go your way. In life, you have to forge your own path when things go against you.

Seeing Meghna's lack of excitement or the typical blushing response, my dad looks at my mom, who shrugs. Undeterred, my father continues, "But I made it clear that the decision is up to Meghna. We are not the kind of parents who will force their daughter into a marriage."

Yeah, sure, the decision is up to Meghna. But we all know they'll do whatever it takes to make her say yes. They're such hypocrites! But, Meghna, you deserve better. You deserve someone who truly understands you, someone who is willing to fight the world if you're by their side. But for that, you have to be by their side!

Dii rushes into the kitchen, seeking refuge from the endless praises my dad is showering upon the boy's family. According to him, everyone in that family is a prodigy-a doctor, an engineer, a successful businessman like they're long-lost relatives of Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Mukesh Ambani combined. Stupidity!

I follow her into the kitchen, dropping my plates into the sink in frustration. "Why can't our family be as cool as Dev's mom? She didn't even bat an eye when there was a girl in her son's room." I recall the sly smirk his mom shot at me-clearly, she was shipping us together.

Apologies, Tanu Aunty, but I'm already shipping your son with someone else. Don't take it personally, he's really adorable, but he's too delicate for someone as wild as me. Raj would take care of him perfectly. I've noticed the shared looks and exchanged smiles between Raj and Dev during our practices. They always manage to find their way to each other, offering water, snacks, and everything else.

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