Chapter 33

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Arya P.O.V

Approaching the school gate, my mind is doing its own merry jig, and there he stands - Raj, my partner in crime, engrossed in conversation with someone near the entrance.

"Hey Raj!" I holler, my eyes twinkling.

Raj swivels towards me, his grin matching my energy. His lips do a merry jig too, curving into a playful smile that lets a cheeky dimple sneak onto his left cheek. "Well, well, if it isn't the birthday superstar herself! Happy Birthday, Arya!" he announces with the kind of cheer that could wake up Sleeping Beauty from her century-long nap.

I let out a dramatic gasp, one hand flying to my chest for theatrical effect. "Raj, you remembered? My heart is seriously melting!" I declare, fluttering my eyelashes like they're auditioning for a Bollywood drama. His laughter joins the party, and it's the best kind of noise pollution.

He rolls his eyes with all the finesse of a master eye-roller, fighting back a chuckle. "Yeah, I remembered. Got a memory like a steel trap for utterly useless info - like your birthday!"

I giggle, taking a sassy step closer. "You know, a cake wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Friends are supposed to bring cake, FYI."

Raj snorts, his lack of remorse evident. "Ah, the legendary cake debacle! Had elaborate plans, but then a squadron of seagulls decided it was runway time."

I burst into giggles and give him a playful head shake. "Oh, Raj, your thoughtfulness is just killing me!" I exclaim, my voice carrying a blend of affection and genuine amusement.

With an exaggerated sigh, he swoops me into a quick, bear-hug-style embrace, his laughter working its contagious magic. "All part of my master plan to keep that smile on your face. Happy birthday." As he releases me, I lean back a tad, catching a glimpse of a soft, genuine smile that he keeps stashed for moments like these.

My steps echo through the hallway as my eyes fall upon a cacophony of colorful posters of "Teen Talents" adorning the walls. it's an annual competition held at the end of each year at BFA Delhi. This event brings together what we refer to as the most talented students from all branches of BFA across the country. They participate and compete against one another, and the winner has their portraits displayed in the Talent Hallway of schools nationwide.

I stop in my tracks, pointing at a poster from two years ago. "Hey, remember when we thought about participating in the Teen Talents contest?"

Raj chuckles, looking at the poster with a bemused expression. "Yeah, and then we realized we had zero talents to showcase."

I nudge Raj, pointing at a poster of an elegant dancer caught mid-leap. "Behold, Arya, the future champion of the 'Funky Chicken Dance Off'!"

Raj bursts into laughter, his eyes twinkling as I enthusiastically demonstrate the chicken dance moves. "Oh, Arya, those moves are out of this world! Judges won't know what hit 'em!"

Our laughter attracts the attention of passing students, but we're not deterred. We move on to the next poster featuring a chess prodigy. I gesture dramatically at it. "And there stands Raj, the ultimate strategist, reigning over the 'World Chess Championship for Extraordinary Tactic of Randomly Moving Pieces'!"

Raj assumes a serious expression, pretending to analyze the chaotic chessboard in the poster. "Indeed, my secret weapon is chaos, and it's a game-changer!" he declares in an uncharacteristically solemn tone.

The hallway fills with our infectious laughter as we dive into more imaginary scenarios. A poster portrays a singer hitting a powerful note on stage. I flash a mischievous grin at Raj. "Ladies and gentlemen, presenting Raj, the maestro of the 'Shower Serenade Singing Spectacular'!"

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