Chapter 43

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Dev's P.O.V.

Stepping into the school canteen, I'm immediately enveloped by the familiar chaos - the symphony of laughter, clattering trays, and hurried footsteps that defines my daily routine. I search the bustling counter for Piya, and our eyes lock in a silent greeting. Her face lights up with recognition, and even amidst the pandemonium, we share a warm smile.

Piya, a culinary maestro in this organized chaos, moves with an elegant dance among the throngs of students.

The counter teems with students clamoring for attention, making it nearly impossible to place an order right now. My immediate goal is to find an empty table; I can deal with ordering later. My eyes land on a corner table, there he is, Aman, sitting with his eyes lost in a book, seemingly oblivious to the cafeteria's turmoil. A soft smile plays on my lips as I navigate the sea of students toward him.

Approaching Aman, I greet him with warmth in my voice, "Hey."

His eyes lift from the book, our gazes meeting in a unique moment. Did he just... there's a shy yet genuine smile on his lips. It's a surprise, considering it's Aman, the one who typically brushes aside my greetings. Something has shifted today.

I take a seat across from him and inquire, genuinely concerned, "How's your mom holding up?" Aman's smile widens, and he responds with a hint of relief, "She's doing okay." A wave of comfort washes over me.

However, my attention is soon drawn to the table, where a slice of lemon cake sits mysteriously. That's weird; I'd offered him a hundred times before but he has never shown any interest in this cake before.

Curiosity gnaws at me, and I can't resist asking, "Since when did you start enjoying this cake? You used to decline it."

Aman raises his book, trying to appear engrossed, and mumbles, "It's not for me."

My intrigue deepens, and I press on, "Then who's it for?" Aman sets his book aside, his gaze fixed on the table, and he slowly pushes the plate in my direction.

"Dev," Before Aman can provide an explanation, someone calls my name. I turn to see Raj standing near the canteen door, scanning the room for me.

My heart races as Raj approaches, and we exchange smiles. But then, a flicker of something passes over Raj's face as he notices Aman sitting with me. It's an expression I can't quite decipher, but there's a hint of bitterness in it. Aman is totally ignoring Raj, his focus unwavering on the book before him. It's as if Raj's presence is invisible to him. The tension in the air becomes palpable.

Breaking the silence, I ask, my voice trembling, "You were looking for me?" Raj's smile returns, but it seems fragile, as if he's struggling to maintain it. He leans in closer, his fingers gently entwining with mine, sending a shiver of longing down my spine.

"Yup," he whispers, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of the canteen. There's an undercurrent of yearning in his words that ignites a fire within me.

Raj holds my hand as if it's the most precious thing in the world. I can feel my cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. "Where?" I respond, my voice barely above a whisper, the weight of the unspoken emotions heavy between us.

"Who knows," Raj teases, his eyes locking with mine, a world of promise hidden in their depths. He starts walking towards the canteen's exit, and I follow him, my heart pounding with a heady cocktail of anticipation and vulnerability.

My gaze briefly drifts to Aman, who's now openly watching us, his eyes reflecting a complex blend of emotions that I can't quite read.

Raj's fingers entwine with mine, and together, we dash out of the canteen. The school hallway transforms into a blurry backdrop as we navigate through the curious, judgmental gazes of our peers. Students can't help but stare as we run hand in hand, but I am too intoxicated by Raj's presence to care. Every step we take, every heartbeat, feels like a leap into the unknown.

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