Author's note

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Hey everyone,

I just wanted to say a big thanks for joining us on this rollercoaster ride through Book One of the "Smile series." Seriously, your support and connection with these characters mean the world to me.

So, did you guys enjoy it, even just a little?

And hey, don't worry, this ain't goodbye. The story isn't over yet, and there are more adventures, heartaches, and surprises ahead. Stick around as we dive deeper into their souls, uncover the twists of their lives, and dive into new chapters together... in book two, "When Hearts Tangle."

I can't thank you enough for being a part of this journey. Your presence as readers breathes life into these characters. Until we meet again in the pages of "When Hearts Tangle," I hope your own stories are filled with wonder, empathy, and those raw, honest emotions that make life and stories truly unforgettable.

Sending you all warm smiles,

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