Chapter 30

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It's been a week, every day, like a gentle breeze, Raj finds his way to the sanctuary of my home. It's a refuge from the chaos of the outside world, a haven where I can begin to mend the fragments of my wounded soul. The clock's steady tick-tock echoes in my ears, marking the minutes until Raj's arrival, a beacon of hope in this deserted island.

When he steps through the door, his presence alone brings a wave of tranquility that washes over me, soothing the restless tendrils of my mind. We sit at the table, sharing a meal, the flavors intertwine on our tongues, awakening dormant senses and just like that, simple meals become the tastiest food ever.

Amidst bites and sips, Raj weaves a tapestry of his day, sharing every detail from first class to the last minute in the school, it feels like I was there with him the entire day.  And as the minutes melt away, we find ourselves nestled side by side, enveloped in the comforting embrace of shared experiences. With each passing moment, the weight of my burdens begins to dissipate, replaced by the blossoming seeds of this strange comfort which I can find only in his arms.

Together, we embark on virtual adventures in the streets of Netflix, the glow of the screen illuminating our faces with a soft, ethereal light. Our laughter dances through the room, dispelling the shadows that once haunted my thoughts. When alone, this place feels like a black hole, putting fetters on my feet and pulling me in the darkness of my past... preventing to see the light of present, restricting to feel the warmth of the future. Every second feels like an hour and every hour feels like an eternity. A constant fight between me and my inner demons.

But with him, in this space, Raj's gentle presence acts as a shield, protecting me from the residual echoes of my past, my demons, the blackhole and he grounds me in the present moment... making it feel beautiful, he gives me hope for the future...that future can be beautiful.

As twilight paints the sky with hues of rose and gold, Raj attends to his studies, his diligent focus serving as a steady rhythm that lulls my restless mind. While he works, I find solace in the melodies that resonate from the strings of my guitar, their harmonies intertwining with the quiet determination in his eyes. I play whatever he makes me feel like, without any effort, melodies flow from within me through these strings weaving a new song. Raj just turns and smiles at me, his warm smile like a sun... my sun.

And as the hour of departure draws near, we bid each other farewell, a bittersweet parting that carries the promise of tomorrow's reunion. I watch him disappear into the embrace of the outside world, feeling a sense of warmth he brings, a flicker of light in the darkness.

In the stillness that follows, I replay everything, every conversation, our shared moments, cherishing the time we shared together. And as the night settles around me, I find solace in the knowledge that tomorrow, as the clock's pendulum swings, Raj will return, his presence will be here by my side again.

Yesterday, as I lay on my bed, awaiting Raj's arrival, Arya unexpectedly joined me.

Arya plopped down on the edge of the bed, her presence injecting a burst of lightheartedness into the room. She wasted no time in addressing the elephant in the room, her disbelief evident in the raised arch of her eyebrows. "So, word on the street is that you got yourself into a little tussle during the drama day, all on your lonesome," she exclaimed, her voice filled with playful incredulity. "Seriously, why didn't you tell me? I would have told that guy who he was messing with."

Raj, perched near my head, interjected with a teasing tone. "Oh sure, Arya. We all know how your fists of fury strike fear into the hearts of wrongdoers. I'm sure the guy would have been shaking in his boots."

Arya shot him a confident smirk, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, Raj. Punching isn't the only way of creating pain. Don't you worry, I've got my own ways."

But before we could delve deeper into Arya's formidable combat skills, she swiftly changed the subject, expertly diverting our attention. "Hey, forget about that! Your dad already took care of business anyway," she announced, her fingers gracefully running through her hair as though assuming I had been aware of that.

Intrigued, I perked up, my curiosity piqued. "Wait, my dad did something? What happened?"

Arya's face contorted into a frown of perplexity as she prepared to recount the epic tale. "Oh, you don't know? So, as I was strolling back to the auditorium, I spotted your mom in hot pursuit of a man, calling out 'Sanjay!' It was obvious he was your dad. Naturally, he sprinted like Usain Bolt toward the parking area, where the jealous soul and some creepy dude were locked in a battle of the not-so-titans."

Unable to contain my astonishment, I interjected, "So this is why she had left the auditorium that night." My gaze turned to Raj, who smiled in confirmation, acknowledging the truth in Arya's words.

Arya waved off my question with a dismissive gesture. "Yup, so yeah, this Aman guy, who I must say fights like a seasoned action hero, was in the mix too. But I digress. Back to your dad. He waded into the chaos, fearlessly approached the creepy dude, and delivered a swift punch right to his smug face, like a true champ!"

My eyes widened with astonishment. "Dad punched him?"

Arya nodded, her expression a blend of awe and amusement. "Yep, he went all badass on the guy, warning him to stay far, far away from you. Your mom couldn't hide her admiration, I tell ya. And then, as if that weren't enough, your dad whipped out his phone and started dialing up the school authorities."

My curiosity peaked, I interrupted once again, my childlike wonder shining through. "He was calling the authorities?"

Arya shrugged, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "Well, your mom spilled the beans. Turns out, that creepy dude was a certified bully from your old school. Your dad wasn't about to let him mess with you anymore. Talk about protecting your honor, huh?"

As Arya concluded her narrative, a swell of emotions surged within me,
threatening to burst free from the confines of my chest. Arya's animated storytelling painted a vivid picture in my mind, and I found myself replaying the scene over and over again, captivated by the sheer hilarity and awesomeness of it all.

In my imagination, I saw my dad, determination etched upon his face, fearlessly navigating through the chaos that surrounded him. He stood unyielding and resolute, a beacon of strength amidst the turmoil. The image of his fist connecting with Vikram's smug face ignited a rush of adrenaline within me as if I were standing right there, witnessing the punch firsthand.

The magnitude of what my dad had done washed over me, filling my eyes with tears of awe and gratitude. He had stepped into the fray, not because he possessed all the details or felt obligated, but simply because he cared. He cared enough to make a stand, to defend his child without hesitation. In that instant, my heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of love and being loved.

As I turned towards Raj, our eyes locked in a shared understanding that transcended words. It was as if he could sense the emotions swirling within me, the desire to express my deepest gratitude and longing for a closer bond with my dad. In that moment, the weight of unspoken words felt insignificant in the face of the connection we shared.

Raj's smile widened, radiating compassion and empathy. His hand reached out, enveloping mine in a gentle, reassuring grip.

As the tears fell, I leaned into Raj's comforting presence, my heart overflowing with a mixture of emotions—gratitude and hope... that maybe one day the distance between me and Dad will be narrowed...just maybe.


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