chapter 19

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Dev's P.O.V

The familiar sight of the bustling canteen greets me once again, its crowded nature hardly a surprise. I find myself yearning for Arya's presence, as she has always possessed the uncanny ability to create a vacant spot amidst the chaos. I know her methods may not be entirely fair, but it's okay. In the grand scheme of things, we're all going to hell anyway. However, Arya is currently consumed by her script for the upcoming play, locking herself in the library with Asim. Meanwhile, Raj is busy with casting, announcing auditions and handling the selection process.

Amidst the commotion, a familiar voice penetrates my ears, instantly capturing my attention, "What would like today, Dev sir?"

I divert my gaze from the bustling scene and turn towards the source, finding the red-haired girl behind the counter.

"Oh, hi there," I greet her with uncontained excitement, as if she were a long-lost friend. I can't explain why I feel compelled to include my name in her sentence, how does she know my name?

Her smile widens in response, and she warmly waves at me.

"Hmm, do you happen to have tutti frutti ice cream?" I inquire, a glimmer of anticipation in my eyes.

Her smile fades slightly as she replies, "Actually, we ran out of ice creams."

"No worries then. I'll happily settle for my beloved sour cake," I respond, masking my slight disappointment with enthusiasm.

"That'll be 50 rupees, please," she states, and we exchange smiles, a silent understanding passing between us.

As I hold the cake in my hands, a flood of memories washes over me, reminding me of that particular seat... My gaze drifts to the corner table, which remains unoccupied except for the guy with the book, seemingly lost in his own world.

Arya, what happened to your senior? Why don't you join me here anymore? Dev, remember that day when you sat with him too? You can do it again.

Summoning my courage, I approach the solitary figure, engrossed in his book. It's as if he is either completely absorbed in the pages or intentionally choosing to ignore me.

"Excuse me," I utter, hoping to capture his attention. His eyes lift ever so slightly, meeting mine in a fleeting moment.

Goodness, his aura feels somewhat intimidating. "Same situation, same request," I shrug, gesturing towards the empty chair. Yet, just as before, I receive no response—nothing. But shameless me takes it as a yes. I settle myself in the chair.

"Would you like to have som-," I begin to speak, my attempt at polite conversation halted as his eyes slowly rise from the pages of 'Murder On The Orient Express'. Suddenly, all of my well-mannered intentions are brutally murdered.

"No, I get it. You continue," I force a laugh, desperately trying to salvage the awkwardness, and proceed to focus on my dessert.

Doesn't he feel a sense of isolation in that solitary state? If you can't be kind, at least refrain from being unnerving. When someone extends kindness towards you, the least you can do is reciprocate in some way or at least refrain from giving off an air of intimidation. Throughout the remainder of the break, I notice him stealing glances in my direction. Is he drawing inspiration from the pages of that book, contemplating some kind of experiment on someone?

Suddenly, my phone jolts in my pocket, and I retrieve it to find a message from an unknown unknown number...

A sinking feeling washes over me. It couldn't be him, right? My thumb quivers as I press on the screen to read the message.

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