Chapter 10

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Arya's P O.V.

As I step into my room, the soft afternoon light filters through the curtains, casting a warm golden hue over the scattered books that adorn the table. Meghna sits on the chair, her eyes glued to the pages of a textbook, her fingers occasionally turning a page with a purposeful grace. Seated beside her on her bed, I watch her for a moment, absorbing the quiet intensity with which she studies.

"You hitting the books too?" I quip, injecting a playful tone into my voice.

A small smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she glances at me. "Sometimes," she replies with a nod, her gaze already drawn back to her reading material.

"I'd ask when's the last time you cracked these open, but I'm pretty sure it predates the last meteor shower," I jest, a playful glint in my eyes.

A soft chuckle escapes her lips, and then her attention is once again consumed by the academic sprawl in front of her. 

"Di, with Independence Day coming up, our class is planning a drama," I venture, breaking the comfortable silence.

She glances up, her eyes meeting mine, curiosity twinkling within them. "Oh really? What's the plan?"

"Raj wants something different this time—more modern, with a message," I explain.

A thoughtful hum escapes her lips as she processes my words. "Modern, huh?" She leans back, her fingers drumming lightly against the edge of the textbook. "Well, considering how much everyone enjoyed the historical drama last time, a modern twist could be refreshing."

I nod, leaning in slightly as I continue the conversation. "Exactly. We're all brainstorming ideas, and I thought I'd ask you too. Got any suggestions?"

She turns her gaze fully towards me, her expression contemplative. "Hmm, let me think. What did you guys perform last time?"

"The classic tale of Queen Laxmibai," I reply, watching her closely.

She lets out a small laugh. "Oh, the usual patriotic fare. How about something that not only resonates with history but also brings in a contemporary edge?"

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued by her perspective. "Like what?"

She leans in, her voice slightly lower as if conspiring. "What about Neerja's story? You know, the brave young woman who protected passengers during a plane hijacking. Her journey could offer a fresh perspective on patriotism."

I consider her suggestion, letting the idea settle in my mind. "That's an interesting angle."

Her gaze turns introspective as she adds, "Or maybe Sehmat's narrative? The sacrifices she made during wartime, all while maintaining her identity and beliefs. It could beautifully reflect empowerment."

I find myself nodding in agreement. "Those are strong options, Di. I'll make sure to share them with Raj."

A pleased smile graces her lips, and I reach for my phone, ready to text Raj ideas...but My idea.

Well, let me tell you, it's like I'm on a secret mission to retrieve Ahan's phone number from Fort Knox—oops, I mean, from Meghna's fortress of a phone. This girl, my sister, has developed some kind of sixth sense for anyone trying to get their hands on her precious device. It's like she's got a hotline to the phone protection agency.

I've been brainstorming excuses all day, trying to come up with something that will make her hand over the phone without raising her suspicions. But let me tell you, Meghna is a seasoned detective when it comes to sniffing out shenanigans. And trust me, I'm no match for her interrogative skills. If I said I needed her phone to save the world, she'd probably suggest I contact the Avengers instead.

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