Chapter 25

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Dev's P.O.V.

Amidst the rising tide of applause, I turn to face the sea of faces filling the auditorium. Smiles and claps swell like a wave within me, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions. This is the climax of all those rehearsals, our big performance. My heart races like a drummer's beat, my fingers tremble, and tears blur my vision. It’s a wild mix of excitement, nerves, and disbelief.

In the crowd of strangers, I spot a familiar face—my dad. His eyes sparkle with an unexpected pride, his applause echoing in my chest. It's surreal seeing him so proud. A lump forms in my throat, and tears mix with the sweat from the stage lights.

The clapping engulfs me in a cocoon of sound, a warm embrace from the universe. I close my eyes, letting the tears flow.

Raj’s eyes meet mine, his smile cutting through my emotions like sunshine. Amidst the crowd, he cheers, his energy infectious. Raj, my rock and biggest supporter. He’s the one who pushed me to share my talents with the world. His presence across the room lifts my spirits, and I silently mouth a heartfelt “thank you” to him, my heart swelling with gratitude.

As the applause continues, I step off the stage, my heart still pounding. I rush to my mom, my constant cheerleader. Her embrace envelops me, her excitement contagious.

“I’m so proud of you!” she exclaims, her voice full of genuine pride and love.

“Me too,” I whisper to myself, quietly affirming the moment. I’m proud of pushing my limits and touching the hearts of those who listened.

Then, unexpectedly, my dad’s voice slices through the moment, breaking the celebratory symphony. He clears his throat, and my mom and I turn towards him, curiosity and anticipation in our eyes. I hold my breath, waiting.

“It was good,” he says, his tone casual but with a glimmer of genuine admiration in his eyes. It’s an unexpected validation, something I never thought I’d hear. My heart swells with an emotion I can’t quite name, and tears of joy threaten to spill over. It’s more than just acknowledging the performance; he’s acknowledging my singing, my hard work... acknowledging me.

“Thank you,” I manage, my voice trembling with gratitude and awe. “I’ll go change now,” I add, needing to escape the whirlwind of emotions. After a quick goodbye to my mom, I slip into the makeup room, savoring the brief solitude.

As I trade my stage clothes for something more comfortable, I catch my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are still puffy from tears, but beneath them lies a newfound confidence. I take a deep breath, ready to rejoin the world outside.

Stepping out, I'm greeted by the familiar warmth of Raj standing by the door, a reassuring presence. His smile, warm and genuine, cuts through the darkness like a beacon. His eyes, usually tender, now burn with affection in the soft light. As I approach him, a mix of emotions courses through me, making me blush.

“You rocked tonight,” Raj says, sliding his phone into his pocket. A flush of warmth floods my cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration.

“Thanks,” I mumble, my voice soft, unable to meet his gaze. The intensity of his eyes feels like a spotlight on my vulnerability. “And, um, thanks... for earlier.”

His brows furrow in a delightful display of puzzlement. “Earlier? You mean for…” He winks.

I shake my head, words tumbling out in a hurry. “Not for the kiss. I mean, yeah... not that I didn’t like it... I mean, the double thanks. One for earlier, like, earlier earlier, when you were there before I went on stage. I was a bundle of nerves, and you were just... there.”

A chuckle escapes him, a musical note that dances in the air and wraps around my heart. His head tilts back slightly, his cheeks adorned with the gentle flush of laughter. It's a sight that ignites a warm glow within me, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips in response to his infectious joy.

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