Chapter 26

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Dev's P.O.V.

Raj's fingers move with a gentle purpose as he guides me to the car, a silent understanding passing between us. The door opens, and he carefully eases me onto the seat before shutting it with a soft click. I can sense the weight of the curious gazes from inside the auditorium, like a swarm of prying eyes that I can't escape. Raj's decision is swift – he knows I need to be away from those stares, from the suffocating pressure.

As the door closes, I find myself enveloped in Raj's arms. His embrace is strong, yet tender, a lifeline thrown to a drowning soul. My tears flow unbidden, each drop a release of pent-up emotions. It's as if my tears carry with them every fear, every suppressed memory, and every shard of pain that has haunted me for so long. Raj holds me with an unwavering grip, his chest a refuge for my sorrows.

I'm crying against him, each sob a tremor that shakes my very core. My tears are the words I can't bring myself to say, the vulnerability I can't express aloud. And Raj is there, a silent witness to my pain, letting me pour it all out. His fingers stroke my hair, a soothing cadence that matches the rhythm of my cries. The soft shushing sound, a lullaby in the midst of chaos, blends with the backdrop of the night.

Time seems to lose meaning as I cry, as Raj anchors me through the storm. The tears come in waves, each one a release of a burden I've carried for far too long. The memories that haunt me are like shadows fleeing from the light of day, dissipating in the face of my raw emotions. With each tear, I'm setting myself free, unshackling the past that's held me captive.

And Raj is there, his presence unwavering. His arms around me are a fortress, protecting me from the outside world. In his embrace, I'm safe. I'm allowed to feel, to let go, to be vulnerable. His touch is a lifeline that pulls me back from the abyss, his warmth a balm for my wounded heart.

The minutes tick by, and the storm within me subsides. The sobs gradually dwindle, replaced by the rhythm of my breathing, still uneven and hitched. My body feels lighter, as if the weight of my emotions has been cast away. I stay in Raj's embrace, not wanting to let go just yet. The silence between us is a space for healing, a cocoon where I can mend the shattered pieces of myself.

Raj's voice is a whisper against the night, a reassurance that wraps around me like a blanket. "Wanna go back in?" His words are gentle, a question that holds no pressure. I shake my head, nestled against him, my face buried in his shirt.

His lips touch the crown of my head, a soft, feather-light kiss that sends a shiver down my spine. My heart flutters, a fragile butterfly stirring within me. His chin rests atop my head, his breath tickling my ear. "It's okay," he murmurs, his voice a caress that soothes the residual tremors in my body.

My lips part slightly, my voice soft as a whisper against his chest, "You won't ask anything?"

Raj's response is tender, his voice a promise carried on the wind. "Whenever you're ready." The words hold a world of understanding, of patience, as if he knows that my secrets will unravel in their own time.

I don't wanna hide anything anymore from this person, who is with me without questioning anything, who's comforting me without knowing anything, who takes away all my fears without knowing what they are.

Before, the thought of disclosing my past would have been met with apprehension, fear of judgment, of being shunned. But therapy has taught me that the darkness that clouded my childhood wasn't my doing. I was a victim, and the pain I carried wasn't my shame to bear.

A hush hangs in the air, thick with the weight of the words I want to say. They tremble on the tip of my tongue, the memories threatening to surge forth. And then, with a fragile exhale, I manage to voice my truth, each word a testament to the strength I've gathered over time. "I wanna talk about it, wanna tell you everything. You should know everything."

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