Chapter 2

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Dev's P.O.V.

Arya is an absolute whirlwind of amusement. Her humor packs a punch, and her laughter spreads like wildfire. But what really stands out is how approachable she is. Even though we've only just met, it feels like we've been friends for ages. She's a pro at starting conversations, while I fumble through opening lines, and she seems to have no "off" button.

As the class ends, Arya gears up for action. "You won't believe this, but that teacher who disappeared? Rumor has it, they were caught up in a steamy affair with the Math teacher. But here's the kicker, they had a massive showdown just the other day..."

"Here we go again," Raj jokes, swiveling in his seat to face her. "Aren't you heading to the canteen? Your 'special someone' must be eagerly waiting," he teases, winking at her.

Arya's eyes widen, and she glances at me. "Don't mind him. Nobody's waiting. He's just teasing," she explains, going back to her book, though her disinterest is crystal clear. Then, something changes in her expression, like a mental switch flipping. "Hold on... I think I'm getting summoned. Be right back," she declares, springing from her chair.

As Arya reaches the door, Raj shouts after her, "Yeah, probably your secret admirer calling!"

"Nope, it's more likely your mystery sweetheart!" she shouts back before disappearing.

During the break, students scatter-some heading to the canteen, others wandering aimlessly. And there I am, a human statue, clutching my lunchbox like a nervous security blanket. It dawns on me that I might be the only one here still sporting a lunchbox. Who does that anymore? After all, we're in 11th grade now, not kids.

But there it is, my lunchbox, a relic of simpler times. What should I do with it? Reveal its contents? Nah, that doesn't sound like fun. Who in their right mind brings a lunchbox at this age? And what if someone notices and pokes fun at me? Even though everyone seems indifferent, I'd rather not become the punchline. Holding onto a lunchbox in the era of canteens is as sensible as wearing a raincoat indoors. I can't afford to be the center of attention on day one. After some contemplation, I decide not to open the lunchbox. Just as I'm about to stash it away in my bag, that familiar, soothing voice chimes in.

"What's in it?" I pivot to find Raj looming behind me. Oh dear, he's noticed the lunchbox! Brace yourself for the teasing onslaught.

"My mom must've sneaked it in without my knowledge. I didn't plan on bringing it," I quip, attempting a laugh that comes out more like a weary huff-a sigh with a touch of chuckle, like an old, weathered dog.

Raj nods sympathetically. "So, you're in the dark too about its contents? Let's see," he plucks the lunchbox from my grip and gives it an exaggerated sniff. "Sandwiches?"

He pops it open and declares with the triumphant demeanor of a detective solving a case, "I knew it. So, your mom's culinary magic at work?"

I give a nod. "Yeah, seems that way."

He sighs, his grin fading as he stares intently at the sandwiches for a moment.

Something feels off. Should I ask? Is it okay to dive into personal stuff with someone I just met? Should I check if something's up with his mom? But is it okay to pry into such personal matters? Before I can work up the courage to ask, his pout gets even more pronounced, and he sighs again, his emerald eyes fixed on the sandwiches. "Mind if I snag one? They do look pretty tempting."

Goodness, his emerald eyes are like sparkling gems, oozing innocence and charm as he plays the cute card. His smile is a warm beacon, spreading a cozy feeling through my chest. His lips are soft and rosy, and when he press them together, my heart does a little dance. The way his dark hair dances in the breeze is simply mesmerizing, like a captivating dance of shadows and moonlight. Every part of him feels like a living work of art. Who could possibly resist such an enchanting presence?

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