Chapter 28

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Dev's P.O.V.

I wake up to the piercing sound of an alarm clock. Its shrill beeps slice through the tranquility of the room, jolting me from my restless slumber. I lie there, motionless, my body a battleground of exhaustion and pain. It's as if the weight of a thousand sleepless nights presses upon me, suffocating any ounce of energy within.

The sunlight tiptoes into the room, its feeble rays struggling to penetrate the heavy curtains that guard against the outside world. Shadows dance upon the walls, whispering secrets of the darkness that has taken residence in my soul. I stare at them, lost in their swirling patterns, trying to decipher the meaning behind their elusive movements.

My limbs, once strong and agile, now feel foreign and cumbersome. They ache with a weariness that goes beyond physical strain. Each attempt to move feels like trudging through quicksand, the invisible tendrils of fatigue grasping at my every step.

The room itself becomes a metaphorical prison, walls closing in on me as I battle the demons within. The air hangs heavy with the weight of memories, haunting reminders of last night that refuse to release their grip. The mere act of breathing feels like inhaling shards of glass, as if the atmosphere itself carries the residue of my pain. Everything was buried deep in the back of my head but now after last night, everything feels fresh again... every memory feels close, terrifying.

I close my eyes, attempting to find solace in the darkness behind my eyelids, but the nightmares persist. They infiltrate my thoughts, replaying scenes of horror on an endless loop. The screams, the closed doors, those disgust looks, the chaos-each vivid detail etched into the recesses of my mind. Sleep offers no respite, only a twisted carousel of memories that refuse to let me rest.

The room is suffused with an eerie stillness, broken only by the distant hum of appliances and the occasional creaking of the house settling. The air feels thick with tension, as if it carries the weight of unspoken words and suppressed emotions. Shadows dance on the walls, their movements mirroring the restlessness that consumes my mind.

Through the half-closed door, I hear the soft footsteps of my mom approaching. Mom tiptoes into the room, her presence tentative yet filled with an unmistakable sense of concern. She holds a tray in her hands, bearing a plate of food, its aroma wafting through the air, mingling with the musty scent of the room.

Her voice trembles slightly as she offers a lifeline of sustenance, a desperate attempt to bridge the chasm between us, "Want to eat something?"

I turn my head away, my gaze fixated on the distant corner of the room. The muscles in my jaw clench, the tension radiating through my body. Frustration brews within me, a volatile mixture threatening to spill over, but I bite my lip, holding it all in. I yearn to lash out, to express the anguish that consumes me, but I fear the consequences, the impact it may have on the fragile equilibrium of our relationship.

The pillow cradles my face as I bury it deep within, seeking solace and concealment. It muffles my voice, allowing me to speak softly, almost pleadingly, the words laden with the weight of my vulnerability. "Mom, please," I implore, my voice a mere whisper. "I'm not in a good place right now. Can we talk later?"

A silence hangs heavy in the air, filled with unspoken understanding. I feel the weight of her gaze upon me, her eyes silently tracing the contours of my anguish. The room seems to hold its breath, as if it knows the gravity of the moment. And then, with a heavy sigh, she retreats, her footsteps retreating across the room.

The door closes with a soft click, further isolating me within the confines of my thoughts. Solitude becomes my refuge, enfolding me like a well-worn blanket. The room echoes with a profound emptiness, the absence of her presence a tangible void.

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