Chapter 38

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Dev's P.O.V.

Just as I'm about to step into the classroom, I realize that the first class has ended, and it's now break time. I halt in my tracks, preparing to enter, when suddenly, Arya's voice rings out, urging me to stop, "Stop right there!"

I turn, and my eyes lock onto Arya, who is looking at me with an almost conspiratorial grin. She gestures to Mayank, who rises from his seat beside her with an amused expression. Together, they approach me, like two mischievous co-conspirators with a secret plan.

I'm momentarily puzzled, and then Arya clears her throat dramatically, as if about to make a grand announcement. I exchange a puzzled glance with Mayank, who seems equally amused and mysterious.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please!" Arya's voice booms with playful theatrics, her arms outstretched as if addressing a captivated audience.

Mayank joins in with equal enthusiasm, his tone matching Arya's dramatic flair, "Introducing the stars of the star, the one and only... superstar singer..."

Both of them simultaneously raise their voices in unison, their faces alight with amusement and excitement, "DEV SHARMA!"

I can't help but laugh at their over-the-top antics, embarrassment creeping over me as they hold me on either side like I'm some sort of celebrity. And then, to my surprise, a ripple of applause starts to spread through the classroom. Confused, I look around and realize that everyone in the class is joining in, clapping and cheering as if I've just won a grand prize.

Flustered, I shake my head, "What are you guys doing?"

Mayank's grin widens, and he explains, "You remember that performance you and Piya gave at the Independence Day fest? Everyone loved it. You guys had the entire crowd cheering for you. But then you fell sick, and you weren't able to come to the school after that. So, we're giving you a belated round of applause and congratulations!"

A mix of emotions washes over me- embarrassment, gratitude, and a sense of warmth. Who knew that a small performance would have such a lasting impact? As the applause continues, I can't help but chuckle at the dramatic scene that Arya and Mayank have orchestrated. Even amidst my embarrassment, their playful gesture fills my heart with a sense of belonging and camaraderie that I hadn't anticipated.

Throughout my life, I've always felt like a nobody, just a face in the crowd, invisible to the world around me. The only time I managed to capture anyone's attention was when my name was linked with Vikram's in those hurtful rumors. It was as if my existence was defined by that one unfortunate event, as if that was the only mark I left on this world.

But now, everything is changing. It's like the pieces of my life are slowly coming together, forming a mosaic of experiences that I never thought were possible for someone like me. I have friends-real friends- who see me for who I am, not just as a pawn in someone else's game. They appreciate my skills, my passions, and the person I've always wanted to be.

As I stand there, bathed in the warmth of applause, I can't help but attribute this transformation to one remarkable individual. A person who entered my life like a beacon of hope, piercing through the darkest clouds of despair. My gaze naturally finds its way to the source of this profound change - Raj.

He sits in the midst of the applauding crowd, a genuine smile adorning his face, his eyes radiating an unwavering warmth. When our eyes lock, a tidal wave of emotions engulfs me.

It's almost surreal to comprehend that someone as confident and charismatic as Raj could find something valuable in someone like me. His steadfast support and authentic friendship have resurrected a part of me that I believed was forever lost.

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