Chapter 35

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Dev's P.O.V.

"A beautiful boy," words echoes in memories again.

As the sun begins its ascent, its gentle rays paint the sky with strokes of gold and rose, casting a breathtaking panorama that leaves me awe-inspired. Sitting by the window, I am captivated, a tranquil smile on my lips. Raj's words fills the space around me, a continuous refrain that weaves a soothing melody. The way his eyes seek mine, the tender entwining of his fingers with mine, his warm sun like smile, his voice that carries the softest of cadences - every facet of his being envelops me, making me feel as exquisite as the dawn, breathing life into me once more, and gifting this existence with its own kind of beauty.

The morning light, as delicate as a his soft touch, mirrors the budding hope that has taken root within me. It's a hope that whispers of the potential for new beginnings, a life unburdened by the apprehensions of the past. With reverence, I watch as the world awakens beyond the glass pane, and in its awakening, a sense of rejuvenation stirs within me.

A tender smile graces my lips as a tapestry of memories is woven before my mind's eye. And behind each thread of this tapestry is Raj. He is like brushstrokes of vibrant colors on the canvas on my soul. I journey back to the day he first extended his hand in friendship at school, when my eyes were wandering accross the room of strangers, his voice was like a comforting refuge amidst the sea of unfamiliar whisperings. "Don't pay attention to the them; they love to stare at others," his words, gentle yet empowering, reached out to me, offering a sanctuary from my own insecurities. These moments remain etched in my heart, rich with emotion.

I vividly recall the day when uncertainty held me captive, my steps faltering beneath the weight of my own anxieties. Raj's voice, a reassuring lullaby, echoed through the corridors of my mind, dispelling the tremors that had taken root in my soul. His hand enveloped mine, a lifeline thrown to a drowning heart. "Dev, I may not understand your past or the reasons behind changing schools," he spoke, his words a lifeline that gently tugged me from the depths of my turmoil. "You don't have to carry the burden of painful memories. The past need not define your future. Dwelling on what hurt you will only perpetuate the pain."

In his words, I found solace and a healing touch. He made me understand that I need not navigate the labyrinth of life alone. He gifted me the strength to shatter the shackles of my past and embrace the prospect of a beautiful future. He extended his hand, waiting for me to grasp it, guiding me towards the light that had been obscured for so long.

His patience, a steady current beneath turbulent waters, and his unwavering support have been the cornerstones of my journey. He has been a patient listener to my thoughts and a companion to my dreams. His presence steadied me in times of uncertainties, when I doubted myself, when I couldn't recognise myself...he did. He saw me, when I was blind by my own self questionings.

Enveloped in the gentle embrace of the sun's golden rays, memories play across the canvas of my mind like ephemeral shadows. Each scene, each shared moment with Raj, has infused my life with vibrancy and purpose, crafting a narrative that is uniquely ours.

As the sun's tender embrace paints the room with its golden hues, the door swings open, and a figure steps inside. It's my mom. Rising from my contemplative perch by the window, I move toward her, my heart brimming with affection that words could never fully express. As I wrap my arms around her, her eyes widens, and I can practically feel the shock radiating from her.

"Good morning to the best mom in the world," I say squeezing her, God it's been so long since I hugged her last feels like ages.

"Good morning to the most beautiful son," she replies separating herself, her voice as melodious as ever.

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