35 - Wedding Planning

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Ian's birthday just passed, they were in November now. Mickey was back to work with Trystone Security, though he hated how they had treated him and now, most of the colleagues mistrusted him (which wasn't a great situation to be in when you worked the graveyard shift as a security guard)

Ian was back to work too. He got rings for him and Mickey now, silver, elegant, simple engagement rings. Mickey was obsessed with his ring, and, in a weird way, it also turned him on to see Ian wearing his ring (at least that's how Ian characterized his behaviour)

Mickey was at work at an office building on the north side, it was around noon, many people were going out and coming in because it was beginning or end of lunchtime. Mickey was bored. Why did this building even need security? He was leaning against the reception desk, the pretty, young, thin woman sat there and looked up at him with a smile.

"Not a lot going on for you, huh?", she asked, her name was Willet as far as Mickey knew, she was always there. She was always smiling and very nice, once asked Mickey secretly if her lipstick was still okay or if she needed to touch it up. Mickey liked Willet more than his colleague for sure.
"No", he shrugged, "Not that I love running and chasing people, but if I could at least throw someone to the ground every once in a while that would be nice."
She chuckled, "As long as you're not throwing me anywhere"
Mickey looked at her, "Why does this building need security anyways?"
She shrugged, "Sometimes people get fired and they tend to not like that a lot."

Mickey rolled his eyes, he had to hang out at this place for hours, because someone might get fired?
"Why don't they only get security for the days they plan to fire people, huh?"
"The boss is quite moody. He often doesn't plan that far ahead", she said.

A delivery boy entered the building and went towards the reception desk.
"Hello, Miss Willet", he said with a smile, "How are you?"
The boy was flirting with Ms Willet like a schoolboy, Miss Willet wasn't better in any way, she nervously tucked her blonde hair behind her ear and smiled up at him.

The delivery boy brought new magazines for the waiting area like every second Tuesday. He and Willet got the old magazines together and he stayed to help her distributing and placing them nicely, what definitely wasn't part of his job.

Willet came back with one of the magazines and sat down behind her desk again, Mickey smirked at her, "So, you and the delivery boy, huh?"
She looked up at him surprised, "What?"
"You heard me."
She licked her bottom lip and smiled, "He's so cute, isn't he?" – he really was cute – "His name is Neil."
"I know, I read the name tag. He your boyfriend?"
"No"; she shook her head and sighed, "I wish he was though."
"Did you ask him out?"
"I'm waiting for him to do the first step, but he never asks me. Maybe he just doesn't like me like that..."

Mickey scoffed, "He looked like he wanted to propose to you. Before he came in he took off his hat and checked his hair in his phone. Guess, that's how Northside boys flirt."
She smiled widely and blushed, "You think he likes me?"
"He looked at you like my soon to be brother-in-law looks at banana-pancakes.", Mickey said and Willet laughed sweetly.

Someone came up to the reception desk and Willet sat up straight, while she dealt with the older man, Mickey looked at what kind of magazines Willet took back to her desk earlier: Modern Bride and Borrowed Blue.

"Hey, don't I know you?", the man Willet was talking to said now. Mickey needed a moment to realise he had talked to him, he looked at him confused, he was old man, tall, grey hair.
Mickey shrugged, "No?"
"Yes, yes, I do. You beat me up once.", he said with a triumphant smile.
"So? I do that a lot. You ain't special."
"You worked in the same store as Ian back then, I remember. You were jealous as hell."

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