5 - I'm not a prince and you're not Belle

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Halloween came and passed, no graveyard sex for Mickey.
Mickey went out of his way to avoid Ian. He tried to only take shifts at the store that didn't parallel with Ian's shifts. He didn't go to the buildings or their other spot. He didn't go near the Gallagher house, not even to bring his sister somewhere.

Mandy and Lip didn't reconcile since he thought Mand cheated on him and she had her abortion. They had a weird 'are we or are we not' thing going on, which meant they didn't officially break up and looked at each other longingly whenever they saw each other, but they never said as much as a word to each other anymore.

Mandy and Ian hung out more again. Mickey was aware of Ian telling Mandy about everything regarding their secret relationship, which led to Mandy yelling at him, which led to Mickey staying at the house as little as possible, he spent time with Sandy instead.

It was the middle of November, it was fucking cold outside and soon it would start to snow. That to three things Mickey hates. He was smoking a cigarette and walked through the streets with Sandy, they were on the way to get some weed and beer when they passed the Gallagher house.

They were standing on the other side of the street when Mickey looked towards the house absentmindedly and the door opened. Mickey quickly took Sandy's hand and pulled her down to the ground, hiding behind a car.
"Mick, what the fuck?", Sandy hissed.
"Shht, there's Ian. I don't want him to see me."
Sandy scoffed, "You're acting like a pre-schooler. Why can't you just date him and safe us all this sad picture."
"You know why", Mickey mumbled and ignored Sandy shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

A guy came out of the house, not a Gallagher, Ian was behind him. They said goodbye to each other.
"Who's that?", Sandy asked.
"Fuck should I know?"
"Do you think they fucked?"
"I don't want to know"
Sandy looked at him and scoffed, "Oh, boy, you want to know."

Mickey bit his lip, Ian closed the door and the other boy was leaving with a grin on his face, "Come with me", he said to his cousin and followed the boy.
"Do you have a plan or do you just want to beat his head in."
"Of course I have a plan", Mickey said, "You be the look-out, while I find out whether he slept with Ian, then I'll beat his head in."
Sandy nodded approving.

They followed the guy down a few streets, until Mickey had the opportunity, to pull the boy on his hoodie into an alley. Sandy stayed leaned against a wall in the front to make sure no one was coming. The boy started to scream and kick when Mickey pulled him back and pushed him against a wall behind a dumpster, he pressed his hand against his mouth.

"Shut up!", Mickey growled.
He stopped screaming and looked at him terrified.
"Now, quietly, what were you doing at the Gallagher house?"
He looked at him with wide eyes and Mickey already knew the answer, he slammed him into the wall.

"Did you get fucked in the ass, huh? Little fag"
"No, please, I- I was just working on a project with Ian"
"A project, huh?"
"Ye-yes, for school"
"Which class?"
"Uhm, chemistry", his voice shook slightly.

Now Mickey had him, he knew, Ian didn't take chemistry this year. He knew Ian's timetable by heart because he used to meet him after school all the time.
"He didn't take chemistry this year, faggot", Mickey growled and took a swing at the guy's face, he could hear his nose crack underneath his fist and he was satisfied with the noise.
"I better don't catch you again", he said and threw him to the cold ground. He kicked against his leg and then left the alley together with Sandy.

"You feel better now?", Sandy asked.
"I feel fucking better now."


A few days later, Mandy told him about another guy Ian had fucked in the locker rooms at school, she just told him, so Mickey would get his ass up and get Ian back, but instead, Mickey looked the guy up, found him and beat him to a pulp.

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