11 - St Louis

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Please note: I left the spelling mistakes in the chat unedited on purpose.


The first day without Ian was okay since Mickey had been at work for the most time and then went to bed early. But while the timer was counting down the last 20 hours, Mickey had the day off. He didn't exactly have hobbies or a lot of friends. His cousin Sandy was in prison yet again. It was Saturday so the rest of the siblings were at home too, which meant, Mickey had no desire to stay here as well. Mickey sat outside on the porch and texted his sister.

7. July

Mandy: am at the new house now it's really nice, no mould in the bathroom 😉

Mickey: better mould than that dude

Mickey: you can still come back


15. July

Mandy: hows paradise ?

Mandy: got a new job at a cute café

Mandy: no ugly squirrel hats🐿

Mickey: sad, squirrel and you looked so alike🤔

Mandy: asshole don't fucking miss you a bit

Mickey: nah but I bet you missing ian real bad

Mickey: you could still come back, lips not here, assholes at college

12. August

Mickey: how are you doing?

Mickey: Ian said you didn't answer him in days

Mickey: hes getting worried about you, lying in my ears with the whole time

Mickey: could you answer so we know you not dead?

13. August

Mandy: am okay, jeez cam down you two😒

Mandy: am gone for a month and you freak out with out me

Mickey: im not freaking out ian freaked out

Mickey: also why blame us, you left with some shady ass dude🤬

Mickey: hows the new job?

Mickey: ?

16. August

Mickey: ?

18. August

Mickey: ???

19. August

Mickey: ???

20. August

Mickey: ???

21. August

Mickey: ???🤬🤬

Mandy: jeez stop annoying me😩🖕🏻

Mandy: am out of the job again

Mickey: why?

Mandy: wasn't perfect

Mickey: you waited at some shady diner with a squirrel on your head for 2 years

Mickey: you care about perfect?

Mandy: Zach said I don't need to work

Mandy: he can handle the bills I just stay home and cook and stuff

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