41 - The paediatrician

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The Story of Kevin you can find at the end of this chapter


Mickey sat in the paediatrician's waiting room. He was glancing at his phone in his right hand, while he held Amy on his left arm. He had left the car seat in the car and carried her up here. She was calm, but she hid her face in his shoulder if Mickey interpreted her behaviour correctly, she was nervous because there were so many people in the waiting room and they were quite loud. Loud noises seemed to distress Amy, Mickey found out, which led to him whisper-yelling at his husband and brother in law at the store earlier, he almost caused a full-on scene in the middle of the store, because the two wouldn't stop fighting about the pros and cons of pacifiers, while Amy had started crying.

Ian had sent him a text message and before that wanted to check in on him.

Ian: Thanks for going to the doctor alone
You're gonna do amazing I know it ILY

Mickey rolled his eyes. He didn't need a pep talk, he was just going to the paediatrician's office, just having Amy checked out like the Social Worker had asked them to, and then he would ask the doctor a bunch of questions, about how to care for their daughter.

A part of him still couldn't believe that Amy really was their daughter. Well, legally, she wasn't their daughter just yet. She was just his niece, but for Ian and Mickey she already was their daughter and there was no doubt in their minds that she would be their daughter in every way. They would keep her, they would take care of her, they would love her, no matter if she got better or not.

In a way, Mickey felt uncomfortable though. He sat in a row with a bunch of women with their babies in their arms.
Only Women.
He was literally the only guy here (except the male babies, that were perfectly colour-coded in blue onesies and sweaters with cars or knights.)
He tried to not pay attention to them, but in a way, he was scared to be judged.

Like back then, when he and Ina were dating in the beginning and whenever Ian was just getting a bit too close, Mickey was afraid they would judge them, would think they're gay (which in that case would've been correct) and then would be stupid towards them.

And now with little Amy on his arm, he was worried they might notice that something was up with Amy. He was worried they might notice what happened to Amy and that they would blame him, that they would think he did this to the little girl.

Mickey kissed Amy's forehead to calm himself. The baby always had a funny reaction to it. Whenever Ian and Mickey kissed her, and they did that a lot because it calmed them and they were both freaking out for 24 hours straight now, she always looked up at them with her wide blue eyes like they were complete, utter idiots. Like she was saying "What are you doing?" "Why are you doing that?" And she did that again and all Mickey could think was "It's good that she can hold her head up on her own."

They were finally called in to see Dr Spielsdorf. He was a man in his fifties, he was tall and had a friendly face, most of the wrinkles in his face came from smiling at babies rather than from age. For a second, Mickey was glad Ian didn't come with him, that man was kind of Ian's daddy-issue-type.

Dr Spielsdorf examined Amy carefully, always while smiling at her and talking to her. Sometimes he turned to Mickey to ask some questions. While Mickey was nervous at first, the doctors calming nature worked on him pretty quickly, he was aware of Amy's injuries and that Mickey wasn't at fault. In the beginning, Mickey also told him that they planned to change the baby's name to Amy because of the trauma connected to the name Lucy, the doctor said, it was a good idea, although not really necessary.

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