39 - Let's talk about Kids, Baby

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They partied until deep into the night. Mickey was even dancing the entire time, although he had said before he wouldn't. Ian couldn't remember when he had last seen his husband this happy. Husband. He still loved the word. He couldn't imagine that it once filled him with anxiety.

After the wedding and their wedding night in a cheesy motel room with a heart-shaped bed (it was part of Lip's wedding present) they started their road trip for their honeymoon the next day.

"We are driving to our honeymoon?", Ian asked, "Where are we going?"
"Far, far away. You'll like it freckles, sand, the beach, tequila and a bright sun."
Ian grinned. The beach. Mickey knew how much Ian loved the beach and he still needed new seashells after Mickey had broken their old ones from their trip to the east coast a few years back.

"Why are we driving though, not flying with a plane?"
"Expensive", Mickey shrugged.
"More expensive then all the gas we'll have to pay for this trip?"

Mickey bit his bottom lip, "I've never been on a plane."
"Me neither", Ian said, "I always wanted to."
"You want to sit in a giant metal box 10 miles above the ground? You're crazy."
Ian smiled at him, "Are you afraid of flying?"
Mickey scoffed, "Not afraid of anything"
Ian smirked and leaned over to him to kiss his cheek.

Mickey grinned, "Why don't you move that sweet lovin' mouth a bit further down, huh? Be nice to your husband."
"While you're driving?"
"Street's empty so is your mouth."

Ian laughed and shook his head, he glanced down to Mickey's pants. He smirked and quickly opened his pants and pulled his dick out. Ian kissed his cheek again before leaning further down, so he had his head in his lap.


They needed more than a day to reach their destination. Ian was bouncing in his seat ever since they passed a big sign welcoming them in California.

"I can't believe it", he had been mumbling over and over again for the past hours.
"Fucking believe it, freckles. You always said you wanted to come here for our honeymoon."
"I'm pretty sure I only said that when I was manic."
"Nah, also said it before all of that shit happened. Remember, when I took you to the east coast for your birthday?"

Ian nodded, "First and best vacation ever.", he smiled at his husband, "I fucking love you, you know that?"
Mickey put his hand on top of Ian's hand with their rings, "I know. I love you too."

Mickey picked the cheapest okay-looking motel he could find, two weeks ain't cheap for any place. Ian didn't mind the ugly walls or the condition of the bathroom. The bed didn't break underneath them fucking their brains out and that counted.

Mickey watched his husband at the beach, how he swam and jumped through the water. He looked incredibly hot half-naked in the California sun. He noticed people left and right staring at Ian in awe, but Ian only noticed Mickey, who looked really damn proud to have him as husband.

Ian took Mickey out for dinner and Mickey collected some seashells he gave Ian as a gift and some that he had promised Franny to bring back for her.

Ian never wanted their honeymoon to end. Mickey assured him, that their honeymoon as such wouldn't end so quickly, they could still be in their honeymoon phase even when they were back home if it meant no fighting and a lot of sex.

But eventually, the last day of their vacation rolled around and with a heavy heart, Ian said goodbye to the beautiful beach and the warmth of the bright sun. They started driving around five pm, but after only half an hour, Mickey stopped in front of a house in a suburban neighbourhood.

"What are we doing here?", Ina asked when Mickey got out of the car and walked up to the yellow house. Ian followed him.
"Who lives here?", he asked confused.
"You'll see.", he mumbled, knocked on the door and dug in his pockets for a picture.

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