51 - Mandy's Story

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At the end of last chapter, I left a picture and a small message for you guys a couple minutes ago 


Amy and Freddie walked home from school together.
"My mom's throwing a fit ever since she heard about Mandy being back. Apparently, she's my dad's ex-girlfriend. When I was at her place for the weekend, she cursed her out as if they're sworn enemies. I don't think they ever even met."
Amy shrugged, "You know what's really weird though? If Mandy and uncle Lip were dating at some point, it means she named her son after her ex-boyfriend. Who does that other than a total nut job?"

"You still don't like her, huh?"
Amy shrugged, she was thinking a lot about the things her pops had told her about Mandy. She felt sorry for the woman... she couldn't really be angry with her anymore. When she started feeling angry, because Johnny was born as an addict, because she was abandoned, she started feeling guilty instead.

"Ames?", Freddie touched her shoulder.
Amy sighed, "She's okay I guess. Haven't really talked to her yet. She doesn't get all up in my space or plays mommy, I like that."
Freddie nodded, "I caught my dad the other day looking at old photos. Maybe Mandy is gonna be more my mom than yours in a while."

Amy appreciated Freddie's attempt at cheering her up, but she could only think about how weird that would be.

Freddie went up to his house and Amy waved to him while walking the last few feet to her own house. Inside Mandy sat on the couch and was reading in a book. She flinched and sat up when Amy closed the front door.

"Oh, hi Lucy, how was school?"
"It's Amy.", she reminded her.
Mandy looked at her book ashamed, "Sorry, Amy."
"Where are Dad and pops?"
"They went to the park with Johnny and Phillip."
Amy nodded and went to the kitchen, she heard how Mandy followed her.

Amy was looking through the fridge and the cabinets.
"Ian said earlier, he needs to go grocery shopping"
Amy sighed, she looked at her aunt. Her fathers both said Mandy wanted to get to know her. Maybe it was worth a try?

"Uhm, my boyfriend has a shift in an ice café not far... you wanna come with me?"
Mandy looked up at her surprised, "You want to go somewhere with me?"
Amy shrugged, "Maybe we should talk... I have some questions."
Mandy swallowed hard, but nodded, "Of course.", she nervously stroked her hair behind her ear and waited for Amy to leave the kitchen so she could follow.


Ronnie came over to them as soon as they sat down in the ice caffé. He greeted Amy with a kiss and whispered into her ear if anyone forced her to be here with Mandy. Amy just shook her head and smiled.

Mandy and Amy were sitting across from each other in awkward silence.

"I like your hair", Mandy said eventually. Amy had to bleach it one more time, but now the purple really popped.
"Thanks, Ronnie is pretty into it."
Mandy looked at Ronnie across the room, "Your boyfriend, huh?"
"He seems nice."
"He is."

"How did Mickey react when you told him you had a boyfriend. I remember the first time he caught me with a boy, he started beating the shit out of him", a smile spread on her face.
"Yeah, I think he wanted to do the same when he learned about Ronnie, but dad stopped him. Now they like him quite a lot. His parents aren't around a lot and dad and pops are pretty much treating him like a son most of the time. Not that they would ever admit it."

"Yeah, sounds like my brother.", she smirked, "They did a pretty amazing job raising you, didn't they?"
Amy nodded and awkwardly drank from her milkshake.

"Lu- Amy, I want you to know that I'm really not here to pretend to be a mother suddenly. Ian and Mickey are your parents, I don't deserve that right. They did such a better job than I ever could have... Maybe I should feel guilty, but I don't regret giving you and Johnny to Mickey."

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