43 - Wooly

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The two weeks passed surprisingly well. When the social worker made her surprise visits, Mickey was even home. She seemed pleased with Amy, the house and their current care. She would now work on approving them as official foster parents and guardians (before that, Amy was just 'living with her uncle' officially) and soon they would be allowed to adopt her fully after a court hearing and a bunch of other stuff, Mickey didn't really listen.

Finally, Mickey was able to start his vacation time. Grandpa Frank had taken good care of Amy, but he was glad that he would have full control of the situation again.

They were well into the first week of Mickey caring for Amy basically on his own. Ian did as much as he could when he came back from work every day so Mickey could rest for a while, but he was exhausted from work, especially when he came from double shifts, and more often then not, Amy and Mickey were already passed out in bed when he came back from work after late shift.

Ian got up early in the morning, it was still dark outside, it was basically night. He sometimes really hated morning shift, but it always meant, he could give his entire afternoon to Amy and Mickey. He carefully climbed out of the bed, since they had to push the bed up against the wall, he always had to climb over Mickey to get up. He managed to get out of bed without waking up his husband.

Ian glanced into the crib, Amy was still asleep. He snuck around the house trying to make as little noise as possible while taking a shower, brushing his teeth and getting dressed. He checked on Amy again when he wanted to go downstairs and noticed she was awake now.

He looked to Mickey, it was five o'clock, he didn't have much time left. He sighed and took Amy out of her crib. She needed a new diaper.
"Okay, Ames, a new diaper and then I'll feed you real quick, but then daddy has to go to work, okay?"

Ian quickly changed Amy's diaper, dressed her on a new onesie and brought her downstairs, where he made a bottle and fed her all within forty minutes.
"Shit, I'm gonna be late", he mumbled when he brought her upstairs again.

It was likely that Amy would be in the mood for another nap now, so maybe Mickey didn't have to get up already. Ian went back into their room. Mickey lay on his back, so Ian carefully pulled his blanket down a bit and put Amy on Mickey's stomach. It was Amy's favourite spot for a nap. Mickey automatically put a hand on Amy, without opening his eyes he mumbled, "What time is it?"
"Not even six. I have to go to work. I fed her and gave her a new diaper, maybe she will take another nap now. I come back before three, I promise. Love you"
"'ove you, too", Mickey mumbled sleepily.


Mickey lay on the ground in the living room, Amy lay in front of him. He held out some toys to her, watched how she grabbed them with her tiny hand, how she stretched out her hand for them when Mickey held them in front of her face. He watched how she followed objects with her giant blue eyes, it's been hardly three weeks since she came to them but she looked already much healthier, of course, this was partly due to the care she received in the hospital in Dallas before she came to them.

She had gained a lot of weight and her cheeks have a healthy rosy tone. She darted her tongue out of her mouth and made a frustrated noise when she couldn't reach the toy.

Mickey laughed at her, gave her the toy and picked her up, he lay down on his back and held Amy up into the air. Amy wiggled excitedly with her arms, she looked insanely cute and Mickey laughed whole-heartedly. He brought her down again and kissed her cheek.

"Are you a bird, huh? Can you fly like a bird?", he grinned at her. Amy brought the toy to her mouth while looking at her papa.
"Can you actually smile?", Mickey wondered, "Can you smile at me? Smile for papa? Or even laugh? I've never seen you laugh. Or am I just not funny?"

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